
Monty's example actually IS the reason; I play GT5. It mostly runs from a 23GB install rather than the disc itself. The game starts up in easily half the time it used to as well as loading cars/tracks nearly twice as fast. Also... any other games installed on the system will run faster (like the free copy of Infamous

I just bought a 120GB OCZ SSD for my PS3 @ $1 per GB. I'd say that's a pretty good deal, but the load times I see now are what made the purchase a no brainer to begin with.

You have a very valid point, to which I agree. However; Jimmy was insinuating that music production apps were basically a waste.

eat your words, troll. :)

Dyrdek Approved.

I have a serious problem with XBMC. It doesn't recognize (over the network) the external hard drives plugged into my Mac. This is paramount because ALL my movies/shows are on a 2TB external connected via FW800. So essentially XBMC is useless to me, which is why I'm still using MediaLink to stream everything to my PS3

I'm still waiting for that hydraulic cockpit of the future to trickle down into a production car and not just other concepts... oh GM why did you have to tease me so!

I already agreed with you... 6 hours before you posted. ;)

It's a blast with a wing and a full tune... only 269hp and can easily outrun GT500 cars on the Ring all day long. Destroying my friends online with 'that little go-kart thing' is some of the most fun I've had playing GT5.

If you've driven it in Gran Turismo you know what I'm talkin' about.

I worked at Apple retail back in '07 when the market crashed. It went from $300+ to down under $100 for a while. I told my parents to BUY BUY BUY because once the economy returns it will definitely go right back up to $300 and just keep going. Nobody listened to me, and now every time I see my father I remind him how

I shouldn't even bother replying to this because I really DON'T want to promote this comment...

You CAN upgrade the hard drive. Apple offers up to 2TB + 256GB SSD as an option. Or were you talking about upgrading it yourself? It's not welded in, just open it up and swap it out. The 500GB died on my iMac a couple years back and I put in a new 1TB and it's been great ever since.

That's lame. It's not even there anymore for one thing and I'm pretty sure it was just a PRINT on a plastic case. Not actually 3 dimensional... that totally kills it.

I actually came up with that idea on my own last summer and tried it with a friend. It required quite a bit of time slowly stretching the gummi saver out so it would fit, and it always ended up breaking after a couple minutes on anyway. We deduced that larger ringed snacks (like Apple-Os or their peach counterpart)


Last night I went down to that place down town and got down with my bad self. Mad did I get down! ...Analyze that, Facemood!