
I get your point, but I'm not sure that there's a better way to get someone's attention. I work in downtown Chicago and watched a woman texting/placing a call while pulling out of a parking garage almost hit several pedestrians in the middle of rush hour. So I knocked on her window, told her it was illegal and

oh no. he destroyed her phone, meanwhile she put multiple people in danger by texting on it.

Smoking a joint to temporarily ease the stress from an existence lived under the tyranny of systemic injustice -> infinity billion years in prison

I like it! But I'm annoyed that Merritt Weaver won't be coming back on a regular asis to New Girl; I LIKED her and Schmidt.

Weiner might be the biggest dick, but I don't have much respect for women who intentionally go after someone they know isn't available, let alone one who turns around and tries to spin it for money.

Yes. There is a vocal contingent of women who think she's a bad role model because she is so stereotypically girly, whatever that means. See also: people are stupid.

How can you say that men experience emotions differently than women when you've only experienced experiencing emotions as a man? And only as one man, at that.

I made the mistake of pressing play.

I agree. I was noting this the other week after that Roxy Biarritz promo, which was all about the various states of undress of the female pro-surfer in the video and had no surfing whatsoever. Someone answered it with a similar video featuring a man, but it was silly and unsexy, with the obligatory butt scratching,

Eat the fucking chicken, you urban pussies.

Speaking as someone raised in New York I simply ADORE it when the women who live here are presented as a monolithic unit. How fun.

Why do people get sandy in their nether regions over leggings? How exactly are leggings magically more offensive than say, skinny jeans? Or a tight mini skirt?

Nope, they're appropriate at any age.

God, I hate you puritanical assholes.

Men over 40 should only hear penny loafers and suspenders.