Smoking a joint to temporarily ease the stress from an existence lived under the tyranny of systemic injustice -> infinity billion years in prison
Smoking a joint to temporarily ease the stress from an existence lived under the tyranny of systemic injustice -> infinity billion years in prison
I like it! But I'm annoyed that Merritt Weaver won't be coming back on a regular asis to New Girl; I LIKED her and Schmidt.
Weiner might be the biggest dick, but I don't have much respect for women who intentionally go after someone they know isn't available, let alone one who turns around and tries to spin it for money.
Yes. There is a vocal contingent of women who think she's a bad role model because she is so stereotypically girly, whatever that means. See also: people are stupid.
How can you say that men experience emotions differently than women when you've only experienced experiencing emotions as a man? And only as one man, at that.
I made the mistake of pressing play.
I agree. I was noting this the other week after that Roxy Biarritz promo, which was all about the various states of undress of the female pro-surfer in the video and had no surfing whatsoever. Someone answered it with a similar video featuring a man, but it was silly and unsexy, with the obligatory butt scratching,…
Hundreds of women and men have testified at the Texas Capitol both for and against SB 1, which would restrict most…
Eat the fucking chicken, you urban pussies.
Speaking as someone raised in New York I simply ADORE it when the women who live here are presented as a monolithic unit. How fun.
Why do people get sandy in their nether regions over leggings? How exactly are leggings magically more offensive than say, skinny jeans? Or a tight mini skirt?
Nope, they're appropriate at any age.
Men over 40 should only hear penny loafers and suspenders.
Ever since Carl Jung first started giving people their personality types, there's been a divide between the…