what is this screencapture from?
what is this screencapture from?
oh yeah - I was speaking in terms of track applications.
Those are meant primarily for venting of gasses/ water - not so much for cooling correct?
No the driver is a complete idiot, I'm not defending his idiocy. In that situation you just take the ticket, shut up, and fight it in court.
Lightweight, rwd, IRS and 400+ hp?
I believe that officers are taught self-preservation over all else... putting yourself in front of a moving car does not rank high on the self preservation scale.
I never said I don't listen to police. Like I mentioned earlier I respect them the way I respect fast food workers. You do wrong by them and your gonna get burned one way or another (or just ingest spit, but I'd rather take a ticket).
I just wanted to comment that I am fairly upset with your comment about not reading the comments in a thread based around comments. comments.
Even well executed, aftermarket drilled rotors are generally a no-no - especially in cold temperatures. I'm no brake expert, but if a braking system is setup correctly drilled/slotted rotors don't offer much benefit, and it most cases slotted rotors will fill in with pad material after just a few laps on a circuit…
No, the cop made himself a victim of said deadly weapon on purpose. Cops are no better than anyone else and deserve no more respect from me than the crack head stumbling down the alley at 4am covered in vomit.
"Respect cop or cop will be asshole to you and try to ruin your life"
Not to mention the combat boots most officers tend to wear.
An *ahem* intelligent person probably would have attempted something that would have actually made him stop. Have you looked in your rear view mirror today? Can you see the bottom of your rear tire? If you can then you really need to go back to driving school because that is not how you adjust your mirrors. If that…
I would say mostly for his own well-being.
Tried to resist commenting on this conversation, but I failed.
"Bruh - I just got these new powerslot drilled rotors on my del sol but they're shaking really bad. They were like squeeking and stuff so I sprayed water on them once I got home from driving like an asshat and now it dont stop real gud. Can you check it out for me?"
And that, kids, is how you reduce the lifespan of 8 expensive tires by 20% in just 1.5 minutes!!!!
These always look like they were rendered with some ripoff of "The Sim's" platform
Ladies and gentleman - I give you this, the S-10 eXtreme. Take a small, already slightly impractical 2 door, 2 seat pickup truck with about the same interior space as a mustang - then negate any real off-road ability by adding ground effects.