GRIVLET - Proud of Cobalt

Oh yea and 'street race.' You sure your not 12?

Oh wow you just exposed yourself as a rich asshole with your finger stuck up your ass. If you are a car enthusiast and not a 'look at me' prestige enthusiast you would at least give the car credit on its merit.

stock turbo?

Drunk jalopnik'ing does nit a good idea make. Oh well

Cool story bro

The general level of ignorance in here is astounding. I guess we will just have to keep passing everyone on track til they get it.

I'll call you on it. You never had one. 30 mpg. Ride is pheominal.

Itshilariously slow, and its styling is as polarizing as the cobalts. SMH

Now try to fInd a 4door


Still slower on a track.

Ahhh so we figured it out, a Honda fanboy! Yup, the anemic, torqueless, equally ugly and far slower in every respect civic si.

He picked the worstt pictures ever

Not stock

I <3 you

haha - i actually like them both.

came here to post this.

lol - I was just making gross generalizations (they are the most fun)

I refuse to believe it!