Governor Ostrich

yes. Players will have to create camps that grow larger and larger to defend the resources collected. More objectives will be developed and added as the game develops. We're toying with a handful of ideas right now but the ones featured in the video are the premise and the initial focus of the game.

This is an early stage prototype/alpha. It'll be looking more polished as we progress more with the design and art direction.

Except in our game there is an incentive for cooperative play :)

Good news! We are committed to the feathered dinosaur in our art direction. What you see in the video is a prototype. We are striving for paleontological accuracy with our game :)

Hello Patricia! Thank you for writing this about our game! I'm Lee, one of the devs. The game is a lot more than just hunting dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are simply your primary resource in the game. Without their meat, you will die. The overall goal is becoming the dominant tribe on the island. So, like DayZ it is a PvE