
There may be other reasons she’s saying this, maybe he gave her a look that implied “ewwww”, maybe that was her passive aggressive way of calling him out for it, it's also possible that maybe he just didn't feel like engaging with he and she took it personal.

To be fair, I genuinely believe the same thoughts would be going through her head if she was sitting next to Channing Tatum too.

JUP. I mean obviously I don’t know what really went down and how much of it is her projecting her own insecurities, but I’ve encountered enough men who wouldn’t touch me with a ten foot pole, hell they don’t even dare/refuse to make eye contact, just because I’m big and not conventionally attractive. For them not

I’m genuinely curious, do you believe this would be problematic had she been writing it about idk Brad Pitt?

This was my reaction. I have mixed feelings on Lena Dunham, but I could totally see myself recapping to a friend some horrible banquet dinner I went to where a guy at my table didn’t talk to me and buried his nose in his phone. I would probably also give him an inner monologue that gave voice to my own insecurities.

Ehhh, come on. They’re two women who work in the comedy realm and they’re joking around, for Chrissakes. As Lena said in her tweets, the Met story was about her own insecurities, not a dig on Beckham. That’s what she does, guys — pretty much all the time. It’s her schtick.

No idea. I mean, she sounds like she is insufferable most of the time, so she might just be an asshole saying this. Or, it could be that she felt that because he seemed interested in flirting with a lot of women except her? Don’t know about you, but I’ve definitely encountered men like this. They’re clearly very nice

Losing Millihelen is the Deepest Cut of all.

My feelings on this are similar to what I imagine a black woman feels about white women with baby hairs or dreads.

Imagine meeting someone with these on, and then again without them, and actually having to come right out and say “I was wearing fake freckles” b/c I feel like that’s what the weird girl in primary school who wants to lick the lid of your yoghurt cup and holds your arm a little too tightly would do.

Like Katy Perry faking baby hairs?


And she’s already had a breast reduction, due to back pain and creeps.

Ugh. I understand this SO much. My son is literally THE MOST HANDSOME. It turned him into a huge bullying asshole. Jumping on counters, beating up his brother , etc... I was so happy when he got all but three of his teeth pulled, thinking it would knock him down a few pegs AND IT DID. But he looked so sad so I started

I totally disagree with Julia Baird. Your parents are supposed to be a soft place to land. “Telling it like it is” will hurt that child and harm their self esteem. So what if the child is unattractive, they’ll figure it out in the long run but they will come armed with parents who instilled in them solid confidence

Indeed. It’s like, take the wind out of the dyfunctional looks obsessed culture, where people are literally often acting 100% insane about aesthetic minutae.

They can be taught that yes, looks are a thing, it exists, but everyone’s beauty fades quicker than they want it to, so maybe teach them that finding fulfillment

I tell my dog that she’s the prettiest lady in all the land every single day. But only because it’s true!

I'm fine with people telling their kids they're beautiful as long as it's not just the girls getting this treatment. Kids definitely notice when the girls are largely complimented with "pretty" or "nice" while boys are complimented with "smart" or "brave".