
The book details ambers secrets on how to be successful in love, business, fashion, etc— two out of three of those heavily involved having relationships with famous and connected men. I am not hating on Amber for taking this route to success but let’s be honest and call it what it is. She wouldn’t be publishing a book

Amber isn't black.

she was a stripper before she met kanye. idk why she is acting so oblivious.

I’v fucking had it with these magazines and media oulets referring to black and latina women as “so and so’s baby mama” - it’s racist af! They don’t refer to Nichole Kidman as Tom’s Cruise’s “baby mama” or any white woman who has a child with any white man of any level of fame.

It shouldn’t be received negatively. That is how she came to be a known person in the pop culture.

This is most likely going to be received negatively, but I only became aware of Amber Rose from her relationships with Kayne and Wiz. Is she really known for anything else, SlutWalk aside?

And in a year or two, a little brother named Emmet Otter. That would make MY YEAR.

It’s always weird when people describe Zooey Deschanel as a manic pixie dream girl because a real person can’t be one, right?

Unpopular opinion: I think Elsie Otter is actually kind of cute. I mean, I wouldn’t name my kid after an animal but it sort of works in this case. I’m just glad she didn't name her kid after a fruit or color.

Yes. I still tune in occasionally, for their Fug Madness competition (this year’s winner: perennial runner-up Kim Kardashian), for instance.

Hey, I remember when gofugyourself was bitchily great, before roughly one-third of it was devoted to worshiping various royals and aristos — about as average a group of people, both physically and mentally, as is possible to find.

Watching the commodification/acquisition/sale/rebranding/rerebranding of anything and everything good and pure like

Can’t count on anything. It’s commitment that really matters, even if the person you’ve committed to has drastically changed, presumably leaving you to be the one who’s infinitely flexible. Abandoning everything you might have wanted in a relationship isn’t a sad event or a choice you can’t bear to make, but

To be fair, Matt Damon is in The Martian a hell lot longer then Jessica Chastain. Not saying she doesnt deserve more money but maybe she should be comparing her salary in that movie to Sebastain Stan’s and not Matt Damon.

The Washington Post had a story on it yesterday.

So when are women going to start being charged less than men for the same products/services? If we aren't worth paying a fair wage, why do we have to spend the same amount?

No I don’t think it was a date, just a friendly hang. Like you said, Amy opened for Madonna on her tour all summer, and Madonna and Sean Penn have been spending time together recently so I’m guessing that’s how they met.

Junk food isn’t nutritious, but toxic and poisonous mean something else entirely.

Yo I am late to this Dirt Bag but how has no one talked about Sean Penn and Amy Schumer yet?! Worse yet they were at a Madonna concert! Wtf! (Sorry for all the exclamation marks but I have very strong negative feelings about this topic)

Okay, so Frosted Flakes and Coke might not be the most nutritious things ever. But the trend of calling junk food “poison” is getting tired.