
Brand Feminism. If Emily Davison were alive she’d throw herself in front of a horse.

Ok but can I have this Anna dress in adult size please? For, um, Halloween...

I actually think is pretty interesting. And I think you’re mistaking what he did as being part of the whole “back to basics”/”farm to table” trend bullshit, when its actually the opposite of that. Very clearly there’s no way what he did is viable as more than a one off stunt. We’ve outsourced the production of all

In an interview with ABC News, George said he wanted viewers to “understand the invisible world that goes on behind-the-scenes in everyday items that we buy, use and throw away.”

Interesting project, I guess. Too bad he wasn’t more thrilled with his results. What was the itch-weed for?

Wow! I thought that was pretty cool and interesting. My mistake. Maybe we all should just peddle snark on the internet.

So you hate him because he couldn’t fit the sandwich in his mouth?

To understand that chickens die for chicken sandwiches, you do not have to raise a chicken and then kill it.”

My parents are very active in the SCA and a friend of theirs wanted to know what went into producing a garment in the Middle Ages so she bought a sheep and raised it, sheered it, carded and spun the wool, dyed and wove the fabric, and sewed the dress. I guess the difference then was that she was trying to understand

God forbid someone takes the time to understand the world around them.

Jane Marie’s makeup tutorials from ever ago taught me how to put makeup and about Nars & Mashbox Primer. I am forever indebted.

Katy Perry began a recent performance of “Firework” by saying, “I always feel like an outcast or a black sheep because I’m no longer [a] sample size.”

guys katy perry’s life is so hard, you know?

Dude, chill. I’ve read Pride and Prejudice many times and majored in English Literature at one of the best programs in the world. I like the 2005 version better. I think it’s a better film. Also, if you wanna talk about inaccuracies:

If you look at your Facebook feed on any 9/11 you’ll see so many people making it about themselves as much as they can. From “I’ll never forget where I was...” to “A good friend of mine was...” or “I was going to fly from Boston to LA that day but...”

Yes. This is totally a declaration of intent to fuck (or of already-fucking.) It’s meant for other men.

The dudes who do this are not actually the touchy-feely type of dudes, either. They fear other dudes are gonna take their lady if they momentarily turn their attention away.

This. Makes. Me. Crazy. Stop touching her! It’s ok for her to focus on something other than you for a moment!

I’m not going to argue with the Dame, but I find it far more “posessive” (and generally uncomfortable) when guys put their hands on that space between a girl’s neck and shoulders, like some sort of hand-collar.