Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

“Losing”. Interesting. I’m curious about what you do and whether you or your children, if you have any, depend on socialized medicine and social services. What do you do? Do you have kids? If you do, it is they who are now “losing”. Facile arguments about who won or lost an election are pointless. Any American who

“News occurs when something happens......Trump tweeting shit is not news any more than you commenting on Jalopnik is news.”

This is car news. It’s also funny.

“Trump trashing them has been nothing but a boon to them,”

Hw has the power to drop stock prices fairly quickly as seen today with this, and many times over with things like Ford, LM, and yeah, he needs to shut the fuck up.

We’re speaking of Corollas not Civics.

I’m constantly snarky in comments when the post gawker sites continue throwing thier political leanings into stories were they don’t belong...Gizmodo has unfortunately become Gawker lite, but I think this story is absolutely suitable to Jalopnik when the incoming president is making automotive policy off the cuff

Really? It’s garbage? Are Republicans not trying to pass laws to keep transgender people out of public bathrooms? Are Republicans behind laws saying it’s OK to discriminate against gay people if you claim your religion says it’s ok to? Are Republicans behind laws saying women must have less access to effective birth

I guess the upside to marginal car news like this is...

Trump has been a joke for over 20 years.I’m 32 now and I seriously can remember being 15 years old and laughing to myself and thinking what a delusional garbage human being. The fact that so many Americans think that yes, this is who should hold the most powerful position in the free world. This joke of a human being

This particular article has nothing to do with losing. It has to do with Trump attempting to control the auto industry based on information that is at best, half true. He doesn’t seem to understand what ramifications controlling the market may have. I mean yeah, there has been plenty of election whining in the

I assume your inability to spell the name of the website (spelled out in giant orange letters at the top of the page) is indicative of your general reasoning abilities.

By your original comment, it seems that you can’t.

Political car news is still car news, deal with it. :)

Dude. It’s completely relevant to the future of cars in America. Tell Trump to stop fucking with the auto industry.

It’s STILL a champion in my book.

Because the software engineers work on the physical car design?

In stripping your TDI, you’re not getting back at the executives and engineers who deliberately deceived you. You’re just making life shitty for people way down the VW food chain who do the grunt work.

How none of them thought to address this in the actual settlement document is beyond me

I mean we only hear about the tech they want us to hear about