Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

Colorado speed limits are retarded though. They assume the lowest-skilled driver in the least-capable car and draw the line there. Don’t get all high and mighty about the lower limits on those stretches; they are stupid.

I can kind of understand how this all went down. Even when stationary, the Ford GT looks like it’s travelling at a significant fraction of the speed of light. It’s an easy mistake to make. And I bet the “stealth jet” paint confused the officers’ RADAR guns.

I’ve met more dishonest police than engineers in my life.

So either the engineers rigged the recorded data to show that they weren’t speeding, OR the cops that pulled them over are corrupt and lied about the speed they were clocked at.

Yeah. The nerve of that guy. Parking stuff in his driveway. Seriously, fuck him. Next thing you know, it won’t be a nice clean white trailer. It’ll be a dirty 15 year old Dodge Caravan with mismatched fender colors. And he will whisper softly to the world: “You let this happen”

I had to go though a lot of crap and pay hefty fines when pulled over for 93 in a 55. Patrick George spent 3 days in jail for the same. This jerk does 107 in a 45 and they laugh it off.

You’re missing the bigger crime.

My comment was mostly in response to the now panic... OMG I’ve got to get rid of this thing before the warranty is gone, because of a $2 seal and a flat tire.

Dood. He said Leonard Cohen died. Add to all the other awesome people who have died this year and its been a pretty crappy year, and then he goes immediately in to trunks.

If you consider that being “bombarded”, you’ve got a persecution complex.

You want discussions of weird trunks? In the 90s GTP cars at Le Mans were required to have a trunk space which was capable of holding a suitcase. Porsche had a little trunk in the nose, Mercedes had little cubbies in the engine compartment. Toyota managed to convince the ACO that if you drained the gas out of the tank

I love Mangustas. Always thought they were way sexier than the Pantera.

It’s not the Canadian border that will stop them - it’s that, once you’re north of it, Winter is Coming.

It’s not just college kids/millennials by a long shot. I’m:

There is zero... zero risk to Trump with this strategy and it will mean we can all look forward to buying a Ciel in ten to twelve years time when they’ve hit the bottom of the depreciation curve.

Clinton’s 1993 Cadillac limo was the last one the Secret Service would allow to go to a museum after it’s use as the official state car. All of the limo’s after that one will be tested heavily to see how effective their protective armor and such were, then whatever remains will be sunk to the bottom of the ocean. No

Sequoia is better anyways

As a #NeverTrump Conservative I can say that the abject horror will be shared by more than just half the country.

I was going to buy a Suburban or Escalade as a family hauler, but I don’t want to be confused with Trump. I guess a Sequoia is in my future.

please, he’s one of the most genuine people in Washington. granted that’s a low bar, but he’d clear even the highest bars of that measure.

As an outsider (Brit) I don’t like to talk about politics here. It’s none of my business and it’s such a partisan issue to the people to whom it matters, but I’m going to break my own rule.