Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

“and start being respectful of everyone else around you?”

I used to have an RS4 with a tubi rumore exhaust that was a bit louder than this and my conclusion was this. Most people enjoyed it’s noise as long as you arent revving the nuts off it all the time and you drive respectfully.

tell that to harley owners. they travel in packs. this is only 1 AM.

This is half as loud as a Jaguar F-Type, so there’s that.

The bank wants you to live, so you can make you next car payment.

This is a bullshit hypothetical false dichotomy.

This is the correct answer to the problem. My The bank’s property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

Dude, have you ridden in a new Mercedes? Soundproofing is unbelievable.

GOOD. This is the only way I will buy the product. My life is, and always will be, the one most important to me. “For the children” is not an argument that will ever work on me. I don’t like kids.

Personally, I think I’d rather die than sit helplessly while my car runs over a bunch of people. Sure you get to live, but it’s with the screams and crunches of obliterated people rattling around in your head forever.

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

The issue is less having the power and brakes to tow and more having a strong enough portion of the frame to attach a tow hitch to and having a strong enough frame to resist the extra stress of said tow bar. Most unibody vehicles aren’t really designed to handle that stress which is why they have such low tow ratings.

The wheels won’t lock due to ABS. Weight distribution plays a role, but braking force and grip play significant roles as well.

Yeah, this is really all about geometry and weight distribution. With good tires and brakes, I bet you could do the same in a Ford Bronco.

Too much front brake bias would lock front wheels first, not lift the rear tires off the ground. Any racer can tell you that. This is a weight distribution problem only.

O psi is almost definitely a valve. If that was bad rings it’d have some compression, even a cracked ring land on the piston will have some. This is a bent valve, trashed seat, or really damaged pistons. With as many as there are, it was probably over revved or money shifted and just needs new valves and valve

Do you know how many times I have to explain that my GT500's engine did not come from a truck? Ugh..

Having owned a cheap, much abused Dodge Viper, I can confirm that this is both an excellent, and supremely poor decision that everyone with $10,000 should both do and then regret.

I guess you could say the same thing about old school hot roders. They took respectable cars and made them stupid! lol It’s just the modern way of it happening.
