Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

Are you serious?

If foreign nations were promoting an uprising in your country, you would want total war too. And if that nation were as strategically important to the US as Syria is to Russia, you would provide significant aid to the legitimate government of that country. We need to stop pretending that we are the only country whose

Despite what the 90% own corporate presstitute media would have us believe, this article seems to have the most genuine take on the Syrian narrative.

I would like to point out that it was the United States that called off the peace talks. It’s not like Russia is the only one to blame.

“Trade Secrets” only apply as long as you make a concerted effort to keep them a secret. Once it’s offered for sale, published, or otherwise made available to the public, you have lost your ability to claim “trade secret” on that item.

They might already. Haynes/Chilton could just be brands. Although it would make how vague as Haynes can be inexcusable.

You name it, and Munro’s engineers tear it apart.

Same thing I told my wife on our wedding night.

Wonder what they did for the brakes?

These cars are great for cruising and their weight makes them stable at speed. 10/10 would hoon. They’re truly underrated cars, which unfortunately get a bad rep. Too many F&F fanboy idiots try to boost the shit out of them without fixing the factory head gasket flaw, despite the fact that most 25+ year old cars

Corrosion in a salt fog environment is a totally different thing than the microbial corrosion being discussed here. The environmental corrosion the NAVY is most concerned about is due to galvanic potential differences and the moisture and salt in the air literally turning your structure into a battery causing ions to

Killing people is good for the environment.

Yes, we need military planes to be more expensive. Plus titanium alloys are difficult to work making it an extremely poor choice for something like the external skin.

I’d say it’s no longer a bargain when we have 2017 Corvette Grand Sports lapping VIR 2 seconds faster than a 2015 GT-R Nismo edition for $100,000 less.

I actually got to see one of those W18s when I visited Autostadt a few years back. Look at that third cylinder bank! So strange.

The ap says there is one nearby, but he’s not responding.

Because that asshole is drunk and is more likely to be relaxed (which therefore improves your survivability odds in a crash) than the victim.

Nope, mass. The “weight” of the displaced fluid (water here) is equal to that of the “weight” of the ship. That’s called Archimedes’ Principle, which is basically buoyancy and it’s why boats float.

If we give up 10-15 million lawyers, we can have 1-3 Rings around the country...