Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

When the language one uses toward their parent is more important than the safety and well-being of the child... SMH.

I know what you mean. Looked in my rear-view to see a kid in daddy’s classic Porsche looking at the stereo or phone...right in front of the police station.

You moved the goalposts. The initial question was whether there has been Christian terrorism in the past ten years. You claimed there wasn’t, and I disproved that claim. That’s as far as I was interested in going. Now you’re getting into matters of degrees or who’s more violent or etc etc, and that we could spend

What’s sad is a bunch of hicks taking over a federal building and threatening to kill law enforcement is considered no big deal. If a brown skinned guy with a beard did that, it would be over in hours.


Anyone else rolling their eyes at the NY Times coverage of this manhunt?

Before the Prius there was the corolla driver, explorer, shit any crap box idiot ...

If only we could apply this policy to non passing left lane drivers (looking at you Prius drivers). We could restore our roadways to normal levels of incompetency 

At 4PM yesterday the needle on my gas gauge ventured into the gray area of uncertainty and I went to the station near my home where I usually buy gas. All pumps were taken and and angry looking drivers were circling the pumps like hungry hyenas around a dead water buffalo. Half the pumps had signs on them saying

A major East Coast pipeline leaked around 250,000 gallons of gasoline, or roughly 6,000 to 8,000 barrels, in Alabama last week and is expected to raise the price of gas by five to ten cents in the surrounding states

New pipelines never get old. There are never any construction or maintenance quality concerns with new pipelines. New pipelines are great, the best. Hurrah for new pipelines!

What for, that’s enough to see if a land cruiser engine will turn over and fire briefly.

And our chief justice has been suspended, our speaker of the house imprisoned, and here in Birmingham a grand jury is being called for some as yet unnamed corruption investigation by the state that will surely end with even more local politicians felons.

Nope, but it is a heads-up to people about pipelines and should raise the question of whether current expenditures on inspections and maintenance are adequate. Pipe doesn’t last forever.

Waiting on the liberals to jump all over this, preaching about how fossil fuels are the spawn of Satan and a gateway drug to being a Republican.. or the conservatives to start blaming Obama, claiming it was an inside job to push the southern people into more efficient vehicles..


Foolish statement. The 1st gen MR2 is the pinnacle of cool ‘80s auto design.

My daily-driven, V6, supercharged, tuned, straight-piped 93 MR2. Freaking love this car.

The gen2 series continued in Japan after sales stopped in America. A rear swap that includes the rear subframe and lower control arms corrects the scary geometry.

I’d really love a TC’d or SC’d 1st gen. But, I do love the aero options for the 2nd gen. Both are beautiful cars. The 3rd gen, though...ergh...