Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

For instance my ford f250 uses $100 a week in fuel but cost me $0 a week in plastic. All the plastic in my truck was paid for when the truck was manufacturered in 1995. If my next vehicle is going to be an EV then that is a ton of money not going to oil companies on a weekly basis.

See? My point exactly. Yet these assholes run stop clean energy tax breaks, its unamerican! adds constantly but say oil is king and tesla poses no threat. This is the attitude of complacency. Even china and india is planning on cutting fossil fuels, and the shale boom wil bust unless you guys are actually researching

There is a legitimate mix of fear and apathy towards musk from big oil and car executives. To them hes both a pretender not doing anything special and the biggest threat they face at the same time.

Well, considering the fact that showing a vagina for a split second in a movie will get it an NC-17 rating, while a bloody decapitation will only warrent an R rating, I’d say that the puritans are still alive and well in the USA...

Wonder how Australia feels about the new Forza Horizon game. Can’t be having this kind of hoonigalism being performed even on digital streets!

About as smart, and then you look at the US Republican party....

As an American, I hardly see what was in need of defense here.

You have to compare it to an SVX, not your WRX.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life, Porsche people don’t appreciate it when you point out the fact their car sounds like a Subaru (H6).

“What’s that smell?”

This is where autonomous cars come into play. What if we had automatic busses for the elderly. Kind of like an old people only Uber, but automated. And, when they die we can drop them off at the soylent plant.

I am in agreement with your philosophies and would like to subscribe to your news letter.

Yes but does Tesla have that? I believe when it comes to racing, cars should stay as stock like in terms of both shape and technology but i am sure many people would say otherwise.

No transmission.

Single-speed transmission.

Yeah but if you count “just turn up the boost”, almost every turbo car could be considered a lot faster. There’s a reason why the Evos weren’t tuned for 600hp from the factory.

The version of the RS200 that could do that was not sold to the public. You are quoting the full race car’s time.

0/10 low-level insult. Rage harder.


I’m pretty sure this guy got on and got flamed off pretty fast.