Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

This is terrible. Just reaching the prime of life and to have it snuffed out in an instant, I can’t even fathom that. Also, the teenager dying is sad as well.

Free flow does not equal Loud. Only the cheap garbage fartcans are loud. anyone that buy real performance parts can easily get one that is still within legal DB limits and flow better.

Thanks for proving my point more precisely than I ever could have. You have a nice day hanging out with the flat bills and talking about what stickers you want next.

I don’t think he’s saying that modding is dbag behavior, but that a lot of MS3 modders are dbags and he doesn’t want to be associated with them.

“fucking Concours Mazda” - i’m stealing that. A Star to you sir.

The last time I flew I was sitting between a lady who was obese, and another lady who was *morbidly* obese. The obese woman was large, and her thighs skirted the edges of my seat, going over the gap between the armrest, which I’ve experienced from sitting next to obese people on flights before, so I dealt with it.

<and in many cases, they have no more control over their body’s shape as a fat person, than you do over yours as a tall person.> douchebag checkoff list:

Depending on what service it’s in for, hard driving may be part of the diagnosis. Some people think the process of bedding in brakes is “excessive” but it’s required to have happy brakes. Some people are just overly sensitive about their cars.

I agree, I didn’t see abuse. I got bored watching the video and kept skipping ahead looking for the “abuse”. I drive my Protege (which is what 2-3 generations back now?, given sea shipment from Japan it’s got to be a 17 year old car now) that hard or harder (well the parts I watched) just about every time I am in it

Fuck these dashcam douchebags and their Big Brother bullshit. If you’re that worried about a tech hooning your fucking Concours Mazda, learn how to fix it your fucking self.

I’m going to call BS on that running a red light. Yes...I suppose, but that’s something we all do from time to time. It turns red just as he went for the turn. Could he have stopped..yeah of course, but for all we know he had already let the clutch out on yellow and committed to the turn.

Just like the corvette owner a couple weeks ago, this Mazda owner is a crybaby just looking for problems where there are none.

I don’t see a thing to be upset about period.

I’d like the 4 minutes I wasted on this post back.

I’m pretty damn nit-picky when it comes to someone else driving my car, but I don’t see any abuse on this video.

Yeah, that’s always the kicker for me. I’m 6'6 and travel for work 1-5 times a month give or take. I’m allowed to book my tickets, but they have to be booked through a corporate travel website which has all our rules around fares and is checked out the ass by HR/Finance to make sure we aren’t exceeding our travel

I’ve gotten in that argument plenty of times before. I always make sure to stay very civil to the point of being smarmy about it. Like “I’m sorry I’m 6'6, and there’s nothing I can do. At least you get to get off the plane and be normal height. . .” kind of thing.

What about those who really can’t afford that little luxury? I’m a 6'5" grad student and that $15 or $25 or whatever really makes a difference to me. Not to mention the fact that when my travel coordinator buys plane tickets for me to go to conferences etc, she is not allowed to buy any sort of upgraded seat.

She was moved from a regular seat to a single seat. They then removed her arm rest. Meanwhile, I get told that if I have to pay extra for an exit row

As another 6'5" man, I say violent protest is needed. The last time I was on a plane, I saw them take an armrest off to accommodate a fat lady. I asked the flight attendant to remove the seat in front of me while she was at it. Got a dirty look