Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

US auto manufacturers spent about $12 million dollars last year on federal lobbying. That doesn’t include whatever fat checks their head honchos have cut to various PACs. Raise an equal amount, hire a lobbying firm, buy a lot of booze and maybe we can get enough politicians shitface drunk to change things. Or maybe

2 am in Florida, Feds including ICE agents quietly line up outside a quiet, unassuming white import shop. They place chains on the large overhead door which are firmly attached to the back of an acquired MRAP. With a solid tug and wail from the diesel powered behemoth, it rips the entire door and parts of the wall

Some people never change the oil. They just top it up if they have to and the engines still run smooth after being constantly run hard. (Mass produced Toyota 2gr v6 I have experience with)

“No, it’s done”

Wait, people might actually vote on whether their bills are going to go up (and that’s ALL bills, since the ~30% reduction in the value of the Pound is going to affect everything from gas to electronics to yes, cell phone bills) and whether they have free movement from one country to the next?

“without knowing the depths of the problems that caused people to vote to leave in the first place”

You would like to think that, wouldn’t you? “People just don’t understand because they don’t live there, they don’t know how bad it is under the EU, they’ve taken our independence away!” Boo-hoo. It’s easy to understand the reasons that people wanted to leave the EU, it doesn’t mean they aren’t short sighted and

There is actually research that suggests the opposite. Motorcyclists are actually safer when lanesplitting/filtering.

It also reduces congestion and carbon emissions.

I don’t have a dog in this fight, but it seems that the only argument against is “It’s not fair!”

Furthermore, filtering is legal in most countries. This isn’t some radical new measure that California is forcing upon its 4-wheeled drivers. It’s finally catching up to safety measures in place around the word.

Just work on being aware and polite and people riding bikes that overtake you will manage their own space if you manage yours.

What if you always checked your mirrors before leaving a lane in other states too?

As a 2 wheeled motorist, it sure sounds like lanespiitting is making you a more aware and focused 4-wheeled motorist. Good.

It IS a 124.

Last review of the Evos. Jalopnik is good and fine and we are not going anywhere!

Black roof is nice, and I do like the later iterations in the looks department. Sad to see this one go. If I had more time I would have loved to have this as a practical/family/kinda fun daily driver but it’ll be gone before I get the chance to do that. Before I get the confused comments of wtf would you buy an evo as

I think my friends Evo 9(manual) is definitely much more raw and engaging than my X was.

Haters can hate. I’ll miss my Wicked White Evo X forever. It was a blast to drive. It always begged me to beat on it harder. I only used launch control twice after reading how much a new transmission costs, but knowing that a little two liter four banger can light up four wheels will always amaze me. I put 30k trouble

~16% of emissions fall on household cars. A small percentage, but far from insignificant. There are measures to reduce the emissions of industry, electricity generation, and other sources. This is a large problem with no single answer, but many small changes can add up. Perhaps we can think of it as a gram strategy.

Depending on where you live, not really. The smog over LA, for example, cleared up directly as a result of reducing automobile emissions.

Asking the real questions I see;