Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

Ouch. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I envy your maintained roads and ability to still import RHD cars! :)

Which province? When I was shopping around, I got quoted for $800/year on an ST205 (RHD). Currently doing $600/year on my swapped MR2, and 220/year for my stock GZE (Quebec insurance).

What kind of world do we live in where a Baja Bug & a 4C appear on the same list of cars for an event...

But this fine piece of engineering does not. I swear, in bright red, anyone that doesn’t know how to car will think it’s a Ferrari/Lambo,

I support this wholeheartedly!

It is, but the updated quad-cam variant used in the camry more than makes up for it. If there was an easy way to transplant that engine into a 4-runner, I'd be first on the list

if it was an SW20 (Mk1 MR2’s only came NA and supercharged, but Mk2 came Turbo and follow Rev 1-6 nomenclature which is confusing at times), the US-spec (and early JDM) turbo was known for lag followed by a freight-train boost-hit... So you’re quite likely spot-on with him not expecting the boost to hit like that.


MR2 Owner here. Turbo lag doesn’t cause horror stories. Bad drivers assuming that a mid-engine car handles its limits like a Corolla is what causes horror stories.

As an MR2 owner, I want to spring forward and defend my brand...

But as an MR2 owner who’s been sideswiped by a Corolla, I also absolutely despise every non-performance Toyota that isn’t a Previa, Land Cruiser, or 4-Runner...

Fuck Corollas and Camries

This happened in Montreal?

Sounds like the same company handling Lakeshore General... Glad to know about the 3km rule though!

Might be old, but damn it looks cool!

Awesome! Be sure to make an account/post pics when you get around to doing them!

Yup! Car was never offered with the 3S, it's purely an aftermarket-swap combination. Bit of a pain to work on at times, but absolutely insane when you put your foot down!! Really changes the character of the car, makes it a bit of a handful at times.

Awww :( that's a good point on the conversion, although the NA block is a bit weaker than the GZE, so you'd ideally want a full GZE swap. Still, rust-free is an impressive feat - my 1.5 and GZE both have a bit of rust that I need to deal with (and I got both at ~270k km), it's nigh impossible to find rust free in



Ooooh, rally a-dub!!

Car looks familiar actually, you on the OC?

Ummm, I think you forgot the other small RWD Toyota from the 80's which was (IIRC) smaller than the AE86...

It even had the engine in the proper place, and a supercharger!!!!

3.) A Giant Freaking Laser


As a guy who owns a swapped MR2 and did all his wiring/vacuum hoses/fluids...

I'll trade a bit more complexity for an easier-to-access engine bay.

And enjoy your 3000 hp, carbon-fiber bodied, 600 lb rocket sled!