Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

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Welcome to North America :)

Vaccines are as much of a contributor to autism as apple pie.

That generation Camry was actually one of the best looking ones, especially as a coupe, and the factory spoiler looked pretty good on it (which, let's face it, was probably the point).

I sometimes miss my V6 5-speed...

*vacationing. They are all on vacation, nothing to see, just felt like hitting up the Black Sea this year because the Vodka's better! Nothing but a misunderstanding!

What about the guy that drops $5k on a car and brings home an AZ-1?

Thank you for being the one to point that out. It always bugs me when someone refers to lightyears as a unit of time!!!

As someone who could qualify as a millenial...

Fuck that, I'm keeping my MR2's. I'd rather people thing I'm a dick with a sportscar than a mindless brand-whore :)

Dealerships are evil for other reasons, Tesla (Musk) just decided that instead of trusting in the "honor and sense of duty to the public" in the US legal system that failed last time, they'll play the same game as the dealers, on a higher level. Can't say I wouldn't do the same

Tesla starting direct sales doesn't mean all dealerships will vanish overnight; It opens new options, and doesn't shut out the old ones. It's like fast-food; some companies like the franchise model, some don't.

Somewhat disagree with that last bit - There are a few cars which came in RHD only which I'd love to daily (Earlier Evo's, ST205 Celica, late-revision MK2 MR2, R34 GTR), mostly due to capability and fun factor - I'd actually be happier if they were rhd since it's a major pain to import "new" RHD cars into Quebec due

*several billion

Inflation's a bitch :(

Seems like you're not quite cut out for the RHD experience then :)

Canuck here - the trick to drive-through, and parking entry success is to either have a passenger, or (more awesomely) go through in reverse.

Have done the latter in my friend's FD3S at a McDonalds, and it was truly hilarious to see their faces!

I just checked the price on one of these in QC...

Yeah, definitely not happening for the next 3-5 years :/

Agreed... But there's "fun" overpowered (Hey, I can do 0-60 in *low time*, and do rolling burnouts in 1st/2nd) and "scary" overpowered (I can do 0-60 in 4 seconds because wheelspin, and if I sneeze while passing someone at 85 mph, the back end will kickout from the wheelspin and I will die oversteering into a wall).


*Never fuck with the car - the car is innocent*

That's the cardinal rule.

Alltrac is beast - I'd take an ST205 over almost any other system out there (bar Subaru's STI magic DCCD and the witchcraft in the Evo IX MR).

I'd go for a 540i/M540i, 740i, and 635CSI over the newer ones - only major issue I've really heard about on the E38/39 is the cooling system, and the 635CSI is old enough that you can fix most things on it with a set of tools and a Saturday afternoon (and it was built at a time when BMW built better-quality vehicles).