Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

Because gas is expensive, the supercharged AW11 is 98% as quick as the 5.0 Fox, and it handles infinitely better while having pop-ups, t-tops, and a mid-mounted engine? :D

^This. So many people jump on the Anti-Russia bandwagon without realising that the guys who performed the coup are essentially Neo Nazis...

Shame that I sold my '93 V6 5-speed for $550 about 6 months ago

More expensive? Barely. If you live in a snowy area, they're worth their weight in gold. Not to mention that, as the article stated, if you take them off and store for the summer, they will last a LONG time. The winter tires on my first car, my dad bought them 4 years prior when the car was his. I had the car for 3

FuzzyDunlop of MK1.5 reputation? :p

Well, you stated that someone needs to react to Russia. Fact is, what they're doing is fully legal to begin with, and the US is the last country to start pointing fingers at anyone else regarding "invasions".

Justice? Not at all. Needing a reality check that there are other superpowers, and that they probably don't

So, Russia responding to the legally and democratically elected Ukranian President's request for aid due to a highly illegal coup is not kosher, but bombing the daylight out of Syria, Libya, Iraq, Serbia (all of whose uprisings reeked of foreign involvement), etc. is?

Someone did need to put their foot down on the

Actually, if you look up the groups involved (Svoboda, for example), they're all highly nationalist (and include it in their names, like a certain National-Socialist German Worker's Party), and have a strong anti-russian stance. I'm not one to take statements like that by a country usually, but there's a bit of

Wait... You're against it because it doesn't have adaptive CC or park and lane assists?

I think you're on the wrong site, you're looking for


Trust, you don't want our bullshit, just the women and the food ;)

Alright, I know where I'm job hunting after Uni! Currently in Quebec, and while I was initially intrigued by working in Aerospace (my dad and most of his friends are in that field which helps with internships and whatnot once I get there), the problem is that the aerospace companies here aren't doing that well. Throw

Studying Mechanical, but Alberta would be pretty good from what I've heard! That's $90k after a bit of experience I presume? Because $90k straight out of school... 0.o I would be SO DOWN!!

Poutine in exchange for a good job + cheap gas? Where can I sign?!?

You know, people could complain that their seats can't put up with their bulk...

Or they could go to the gym, work out, eat fewer big macs, and lessen the wear and tear on their vehicles, footwear, home (stairs, for example), and probably live longer while looking better.

eh... My old '93 V6 5-speed Camry could outrun the majority of "muscle cars" from 40 years back - being quicker than the technology of almost half a century back is not exactly an impressive feat.

More to the point, I'm pretty sure these behemoths could probably get better fuel economy with some more modern tech - not

Is that US market only, or Canadian market too?

I have the feeling that the price here in Quebeckistan (Hail our Glorious Supreme Leader Marois) is around the same as last year if not more (Floats around the $1.35-45/L range for 87 for the most part currently, I recall seeing 1.27 a few times last winter).

Once I get my


Yeah, you can get one at Canadian Tire, it's a Type-S (comes with a sticker) and also adds 200 whp when Vtak kicks in (yo).

That's an actual functional automotive capacitor, but it's used for audio setups, to smooth out the load on the electrical systems so your lights dont flicker when the bass kicks in ;)

I can vouch from experience that it is physically not possible inside a Mk1 MR2... Unless you and your partner are "vertically challenged", that is.

Fear not though, the engineers over in Japan were kind enough to put a flat rear-deck with some space between the butresses and the wing ;)