Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

Sweet baby jesus, that's gonna be quick! Probably a nightmare to work on due to space, but it shouldn't have any issues to deal with seeing as it's an MZ V6.

Ask and ye shall recieve. My first car was a V6 LE-Sport (as they were sold in Canada). 0-60 in about 7 seconds and my best time in the 1/4 was 15.5. Noting insane by modern standards, but when you're 18, it feels like a rocket ship.

Lot of good times, but I sold her a few months back to a guy on a local forum in order

I would love to see a 5-speed V6 SE tearing up the track with Miatas and E30's. They're larger cars, but damn do they move quick in that trim level (can vouch from experience), and they will never die, and will take all kinds of beatings!

What kind of swap for the mr2? I finished a 1.5 last year, it was a nightmare experience (for my first swap anyway).

You're a few months behind, beige currently sells the best-handling sub-30k sports-car on the market ;)

I hope your source is right

Slutty french girls.

You're welcome ;)

Me and my MR2 would beg to differ...

Why not just leave the rears locked while driving? My friend does that with his STi (because ghetto alarm system is glitchy), doors are locked unless someone gets in.

And it's a W11 actually. :p

My old Explorer had this. Fully trimmed Eddie Bauer, 5.0 V8, AWD, and all the bells and gizmos. Even had a fuel-economy computer that would do system checks for you, and tell you how much range you had in your tank. But the dash had one single idiot light for everything (assumption since the only time it lit up for me

No it's not. I missed it slightly when I went from my Explorer (Fully specced Eddie Bauer 5.0) and Camry V6 LE-Sport to a pair of MR2's. But not that much.

Honestly, it's a nice convenience, but it's certainly not a necessity

Bluetooth is not going to make me choose a Mustang to replace my MR2.

Most of the young guys I know don't give two shits for that. Yes we have iPhones, we also have aux-in jacks on our stereos. Make a stripper package that doesn't come with the fancy radio, and all those electronic bells and whistles, sell it at $22k,

That's not quite the case - They have very high limits, which usually isn't a problem, but the catch is, because of the mid engine layout, when you hit the limit, there's little-to-no-warning. I can vouch for this from personal experience, luckily it cost me a mere control arm, balljoint, bearing, and mag, as opposed

I would hoon the shit out of that "camry" ;)

In my opinion, no, but that's because I just find the body far too bulky. I've driven a 2011 V6 a few times and honestly, while I can see why it may appeal to some people, I found it too big/heavy, and the visibility was awful. The styling also just doesn't do it for me. But kudos to GM regardless for making this

Atlantic blue, or Atlantis Blue? Gotta be sure on this one!

Carrying a gun =/= bad, but drawing when you're surrounded and significantly outnumbered is asking to be shot on the spot - you don't know how many of them are carrying as well, and odds are that you're not carrying an M249 on your belt, nor is your car equipped with a CIWS. Sometimes, discretion is the better part of

So if bikers box you in and bring you to a halt, and threaten you, after fleeing to save your family, you'd stop and ask if everyone's ok? Here, have a Darwin Award nomination, you'll need it... Any sane individual would've done what that man did, and high-tailed it out of there regardless of who/what was in the way

I'm surprised none of Montreal's bridges/highways were mentioned... I'd nominate the Turcotte Interchange, seeing as it's falling apart, and "official repairs" consist of chicken-wire and duct tape...

I noticed a severe lack of MR2's... :( this gives me a sad