Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

You speak the truest of truths. It's sad how they went from making amazing driver-oriented machinery (GT-Four, Supra, MR2's) to some of the most boring vehicles in recent years. My first car was a 1993 Camry V6 5MT, and my old coworker's 2005 Corolla S made it feel like a like an E30 in comparison.

Hopefully the FRS

I beg to differ - Beige once mad some VERY fine automobiles.

Exhibit A


This car clearly is not meant for you. Try people who liked BMW's before they were considered upscale luxo-barges ;)

Last I checked, the Evo and STi clock in somewhere north of the 40k mark (in Canada anyway)... Sources?

a 1989 Ford Probe GT (Turbo).
I'd say that's pretty good!

Rear end looks like a newish Kia Sorento

360 out of two litreis doesn't make it undriveable... It's all in the tuning and turbo sizing though, I've driven a 400whp Evo and that thing was good even in traffic. With an auto box however, I could foresee issues if it wasn't tuned just right...

I love playing devils advocate haha. :P it's always fun!

Probably not as safe as a new car, but I would argue that with an older car that provides a far more "visceral" experience, you're more likely to be paying attention to the road, your car, and other drivers rather than your Infotainment system, thus increasing

As an MR2 owner, I can safely say that the only issue on your list is emissions, and that's just because I run straight-pipe. Otherwise, it keeps pace with newer cars just fine, and draws more looks :P cheap insurance & 30+mpg is nice as well

Good point. I'm used to buying for 15" rims and 205 width, plus I've lucked out with my bargain hunting last few years

No, get proper snow tires, all seasons are garbage in the snow. Besides, if you can afford one of these, you can afford $600 on winter tires riding on steelies

He never said what exponent was involved, but he is right, prices are only going up, and considering we're paying double what we paid under 10 years ago (1.47/L compared to 0.70/L), the exponential term isn't far off either.

SO buy an efficient older vehicle. It's not that hard, trust me - Up in canada, we pay about 40c/L more. I used to run pizza delivery, and I'm a full time student who drives 40 km daily, and somehow manages to still have money for leisure after tuition/books/expenses... Then again, I was smart and bought a nice sports

you seem to have a lot of spare time to be bitching on every post like this. where's the original comment?

I own a pair of 1989 MR2's, in the same color, same trim, same options. One as a DD, one as a summer toy. I think that answers the question... ;)

Agreed. boost controller = 360 whp or so.

Popups are ALWAYS legal as far as I'm concerned

I regularly park like an asshat on saturdays. I have to be at my job for 9 AM, meaning a 8AM wakeup and a crappy Friday night, for customers that dont show up till 11:30-12. So I just park at an angle. It's my little way of fighting the machine... Plus, MR2's are beautiful.

As a fellow MR2 owner, I can vouch for this. 1.5 swap, it'll destroy most cars on a track, and while it doesnt have a prancing horse or a $300k MSRP, it's incredibly rare these days, especially in good condition, so I probably get more looks than the typical 911/GTR owner.