Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

Exactly. My MR2 gets horrible (relatively speaking) gas mileage on the highway, about 11-12L/100km, compared to 8/9 in the city. Then again, on the highway, I'm cruising at just under 4000 rpm

Racing motor... LOL

If I was in your boots (and driving my old 93 camry or Explorer), I would've pitted the guy. If someone's that fucked up, then all's fair. Especially if your car already looks like shit/is built like a tank

My good friend has an IX MR, and having driven it, I can say that I fully concur with your statement. It just sits there, almost saying "Come at me bro, that corner could've easily been done at 60/70/80/90 km/h. MAN UP AND USE DEM COJONES!"

Drift is sliding, if you want to be technical :) a drifting boat/log/bottle has no front/rear wheels ;)

Obviously a 3S-GE... a 3S-GTE could be tuned to a nice 500 whp, which would give it... well, a sub 9-second 0-60, anyways. Lmao

Thanks you. Not that I'd buy myself a Prius at this point, I'd rather go for a tiny 4-cyl with a massive turbo, but the Prius is a fairly good car for people who dont plan on hooning.

I can't afford it. so ha! wait... i dunno if the jokes on me then


MR2, of course!

This. A bit less "Vive Le Quebec Libre", and a bit more "Voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir?"

This is why I have you heartclicked

Depends on the MR2 - Crank the boost and you can hit 300 rwhp, in a 2800lb car. Plenty fast, even compared to an M3

On one hand, yes, you should usually buy the 2nd year of a new model to avoid the little kinks and whatnot. On the other hand, it can backfire too - My dad bought the current gen Tucson when it came out back in 2010. Someone rear ended him a few weeks back so the dealership gave him a 2012 loaner while his was being

On sales taxes, btw, Quebec is at 14.975, to Nova-Scotia's 15. So yes, you guys pay 0.025% more sales tax than we do, I will concede :)

Your last point is pretty much why I'm annoyed with out provincial government and the amount of corruption in this province.

YES!!! Blacktop, 6-speed, some coilovers and a set of R1R Toyos would make it a beast in the right hands

you can double your horsepower (at minimum) for maybe an extra $150 (4A-GE from an MR2 or corolla - Early models had 112 hp, and they peaked at 170 for the blacktop 20-valves). At the same time, 2800 is a wee bit much... but if everything else is in good shape...

but it'll do that 0-60 regardless of snow, sleet, rain, ice, mud, sand, and floods. :P