Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

I bought my MR2 for $800, and the motor and whatnot, maybe an extra 2500... so for therefore, those tires cost...11x my car

I live in Canada. Snow 6 months of the year, prohibitively high insurance/registration costs...

This. and throwing in a 3S swap puts it past those two in straight-line performance, if you've got the patience for it ;)

Hey, fat chicks need love too! That's what fat men are for!

yes. yesyesyesyesyes!

Be careful, thats all I can say. My MR2 is staying in the west island. If I go downtown, either I'm taking my beige Camry, or if I have to take the MR2 (for example, cute blonde date), I'm using my museum membership perks and parking in a underground facility somewhere. Because regardless of how I feel about the

I like how you conveniently ignore the fact that we pay 40% income tax and 15% sales tax in quebec. I will concede those points on the pipeline somewhat, not sure I fully believe that but it seems like you're more familliar with them than I am. Except for the paying, because if you take a look at what happened with BP

I was there last friday :< How did I not know about this? Ffffuuuuuuuu!!!!!!

AW11 <3

it's not the tuition costs themselves (I have no problem with the hike if it actually goes to my education, because that means better equipment, texts, more teachers. And when you're studying Physics, the equipment is pretty fucking important).

I'm paying for my education "Because Racecar".

Funny, because one of my good friends is a massive geek who is against the hikes. He also practices Kendo and Silat, 6"1 and 170 lbs, and I'm fairly certain he'd take you down without breaking a sweat (assuming you're same height, 200-220 lbs). I'd say I could, but I'm 6" and 145 lbs, and not much good in a fight

I'm amazed at how the members of the jalopnik commentariat that have never been to quebec are so full of suggestions on what to do/how to treat the students. I dont neccesarily agree with the way the strikes are going/run, but let me outline a few numbers for you.

I have a feeling that wherever you live, you DONT pay 40+% income tax, 15% sales tax, and have an infrastructure that collapses on you if the wind blows the right way. Try living here and see how you feel about it (for the record, Majoring in Theoretical Physics, and I have no problem with a tuition hike if it goes to

You pretty much read my mind. Heart-click!

well, the RHD ban is a bitch and the roads are crap in MTL... but when you go into the regional areas, it's great for some back-road hoonage!

Hey, hey... We're the ones stuck dealing with the idiot Tories driving our country into the ditch because of all you guys (I.E. Most of the rest of Canada with the exception of BC)!

Either SC400 or Supra - call me biased, but being pretty damn quick, expensive, and luxurious, as well as filled with the latest tech... and RELIABILITY to boot!!

You have a higher risk of death from eating McDo's or stepping on wet tiles than you do from a 6x/year racing event.

Hopefully - We've got the GT86, and a Supra in the works, ostensibly, all they need now is an affordable mid-engined sports car :)