Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

Ride in a MK1.5 Deuce, it'll blow your mind

my bad, didn't see that there!

Communism died there in 91, now it's 100% capitalist

Already on it, I'm starting theoretical physics in the fall!

Yeah, I don't envy you guys! It makes me laugh when someone in the states complains about gas, without realizing how expensive it is in other countries haha :P

Could be that way down in the states - I'm up in Quebec though, so I can only speak for here

The general trend of comments seem to be split between people saying "tip well and your car will be taken care of" and those who say "people need to earn their tips".

Comrade, I appruv zis commint, iz mek me laff!

ANY 5-speed V6 Camry. Seriously. If you find a Camry, it's a 99% chance to be an automatic. If it's a stickshift, it's a 1% chance to be a V6, and not a 4-cylinder.

Trunk? OH, you mean that little cupholder up front, and the two-backback-holder behind the engine!!

As someone who once drove a Yugo... I lol'd. Hard!

This pretty much sums it up - as long as it's considered "okay" to go and spend $150k on a car just because it has certain performance characteristics (in this case, track performance), I don't see the problem behind spending 30-60k on a hybrid of some sort - it's just a different type of performance (albeit a

Well, keep in mind how many safety features we're being forced to have now. Those add weight, as do various structural changes to meet even higher crash standards. Plus, the Midget has some fairly short gearing, IIRC, which makes it completely unpractical for highway use (no slight intended, it's just not what it was

Sweet! Time to do a conversion on my supra!

I agree with you on that - I personally believe that using supercapacitors would be far more versatile than using "conventional" batteries (faster charge time, can discharge very quickly if you need a sudden emergency power burst, lighter weight), but I'm currently studying physics (i.e. not engineering haha), so

Well, if it's not built for people like us, then why do we give such a massive shit about its specs? Why not just say "W/E, more gas for me" and go on with our lives?

it is, but it's far more logical than the whole "I hate Hybrids" thing

I don't get why people are hating on the Priuses so much... Those cars get damn good fuel economy! And they're usually bought by people who don't really care about 0-60's, cornering G's, and cant tell the difference between RWD and ADD.

You know, I think this could be the perfect time to launch my newest vehicular security device - the NutZapper9001. What this entails is covering the surface of your vehicle with a tranclucent, thin, very conductive layer of paint. When your vehicle is parked, the NutZapper9001 will put a charge on the outer skin of

"Sleeper supercar"? I'm sorry, but that's about as much of a sleeper as a Koeniggsegg CCX-R