Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

@pleasenopuffin: he did an unannounced flyby - Last time I checked, ground-school taught that the control tower has to clear the pilot for something like that. More to the point, if there are people clustered around a specific runway, then you certainly don't do a flyby on that runway. It's common sense (would you

@Dan122186: That's japanese reliability for ya :P

+$5000 Damage to state

@pauljones: the E46 M3 (any one, I'm not picky), the E30 (M3), and the E31 (Either 850csi, or the one some crazy guy swapped a M5 V8 into) are my top 3 (in that order). Beautiful cars, with astonishing performance

@MarkB: Bravo, good sir

@belichikakke: AFM was phased out after 93 - I believe you've got and MAF, which is basically a heated wire.


@oddfish: Where can I buy one? And can I option out a .50 cal in place of the missiles? those things are expensive to replace...

@Captain Slow and his Flying Washing Machine: none the less, doing flybys without alerting the tower is incredibly stupid... Imagine a indy car race in Toronto... but they don't tell anyone? you end up with a group of racecars blasting through downtown TO, and probably killing someone. this is the same principle

@Bret: I hope his plane is deemed "not airworthy", and his pilots license revoked

@belichikakke: which one? on mine, since the AFM is basically a flap on a spring in the intake that tells the motor how much air is being sucked, adjusting the tension of the spring adjusts the AFR (90's toyotas were tuned to run rich from the factory, so leaning it out nets 10-20 hp depending on application, 14hp on

My favorite Radio station is usually 3VZ - 7.2k rpm :P

@belichikakke: ah, mine's a 93 :) I feel so oldschool