
I know people are tired of dark Superman stories but I’m down for reading about him hunting down whoever fucked up his shapeup after getting flamed on Twitter.

The cape isn’t supposed to be attached. It’s supposed to float around him as he walks.

“and they’re not on a major label they’re on a self-created label named “Make Tampons Free.””

Emily is the best Deschanel

Lincoln looks good but Tesla looks like he threw a filter on for his FashionNova for Men ad.

If that was the “original” plan why bother having Affleck write/direct a Batman movie? Was his supposed to be a prequel? Is Battinson Batfleck’s kid?

I mean if there’s still no director attached I still think Paul King could knock out a really fun and heartfelt Superman flick.

She could use a tactical atlatl  

Gonna go with either Moonstone or Star.

The most specific thing Fisher’s alleged (to my memory) is that Geoff Johns brought him into his office and, according to him, threatened his career if he didn’t play ball on set.

He should maybe get that bite looked at.

A perfect hoodie for my “We’re All In The Same Gang” remake video

Honestly one of the fun ideas the New 52 played with was having the Daemonite/Cherubim war play out in the background of books like Voodoo and Grifter and threaten to explode out and drag the rest of the superheroes in but none of that ever actually got to happen.


Jackson is next to Grifter I’m talking about the guy under Swamp Thing

Alright but why is Bishop there?


Was I the only one thinking they meant Space Cabbie?

Jovian Wade’s in the back rubbing his hands like Birdman

“I was only there to ask directions on how to get away from there”