
Perfidy! Hideous perfidy!

But Tom King was totally in the CIA right?

I am tired of this constant groin thrust bashing

Crackle and sad, weeping masturbation

And their actors

Watch Leverage

Sally Jesse Raphael?

That sounds like something Drake would do

Johnathan Strange & Mr Norrell is set around this time and not only has a black central character but Susanna Clarke has a part where he talks at great length about encountering other black people in the street

..... Sideshow Bob?

Aren’t children, by definition, not under threat of abortion?

..... The superhero?

Is it true you can pay your bus fare by singing Drake songs?

Save those last two we’re practically the same.


They'v been trying to make one for like 20 years. It's a batshit crazy story

Not just a black woman problem - they have exactly ONE supehero woman of color in the MCU right now and that's Daisy Johnson. And that's only because they lucked out in casting Chloe Bennett. Misty Knight isn't around until Luke Cage premiers, Zoe Saldana is playing Gamora under a layer of green makeup and people are

HBO: I'm just kiddin like Jason .... unless you're gonna do it