
I mean, well, there you go.

It only works if you have bangs.

At Acme University we earn our toon degree!

I think they'd notice 100 people doing that though

There's a Beck reference in "Get 'Em High" off College Dropout, Kanye absolutely knows who Beck is and what he's done.

Maybe he is — maybe he's part of the wackest League of Extraordinary Gentlemen team ever

Well he got remarried. Why is it with him and Clooney and others like them we act like they're lifelong bachelors out here slaying chicks and never getting tied down when they've already been married before?

Man I wish I could move like that

Yeah these are pretty damn eurocentric.

Shot guerrilla style on the streets of Prague.

His face is stuck on "Ugh, Mom do we have to take the pictures?"

Which explains a lot, really.

The Yelp app does this as well, no real need for another thing I think .

Eh makes sense. I mean Prometheus was heavily influenced by Erich von Däniken's Chariots of the Gods and Kirby admitted that also had a big impact on his work.

"I — I don't know where I am. Someone, please, help me."

As we all know the moment you agree you a sword fight you've already lost

Grampton St. Rumpterfrabble as the irascible coxswain Saunterblugget Hampterfuppinshire.

Word. It's why I didn't understand when people complained about Peter not having a plan for college in Amazing Spider-Man. He was a smart kid from a low income home; CUNY Honors, duh!

Now playing

Actually, they used to have short segments where they tried out some of the goofier comic gadgets as part of the DC Nation block and apparently a boxing glove arrow could fire and fly but it still probably wouldn't be a smart thing to use that in the middle of battle.

"Whatever the opposite of failing this city is, you've done it." - Oliver Queen.