
I still hear Single Ladies, I haven't heard You Belong With Me since

Its right up there with Trinidad James' "If You Don't Like Me Then Fight Me"

All these connected worlds — someone needs to cut Philip Jose Farmer a check

They should hire Poochie. And when Poochie's not on the screen all the characters should be asking "Where's Poochie?"

You wanna know what's funnier? His real name is Rakim.

Or Shawn Spencer

"Obviously it's a pretty big troll, capitalizing on people like me who are somewhere between embarrassed for humanity, and currently in search of a facility that will (inexpensively) cryogenically freeze me until society has overcome its affinity for hypermeta pop culture."

"The Toy was a documentary, right?" - This guy.

I wish Jay and Cam would dead the beef just so they could finally preform this song live

Whoa whoa whoa

Not as in bad taste as the girl who I came across who posted her wedding photos with no explanation of it being an open relationship or anything.

"I love the sound of long dead people reacting to things they could never possibly conceive of happening"

They legally can't. If they go more than a few months without a Wonder Woman series on the racks they lose the rights to the character.

"Start with a pound.."

Jared Leto played the trans character, McConaghey played the AIDS patient and had lose a significant amount of weight.

Now playing

And the Blue Beetle cosplayer in the above photo is the awesome Marlene/ILikeComicsToo who did this great video on the subject of Con Creepers:

I don't think he's pining for someone he loved when he was 14 I think he's really pining for the last time he was anything approaching relevant.

Pretentious wind chimes