How do we know this Blood Moon isn't just some really delayed Invisibles viral marketing on Grant Morrison's part?
How do we know this Blood Moon isn't just some really delayed Invisibles viral marketing on Grant Morrison's part?
I don't know what other source there could be if he's not a pornstar. There's not exactly an independent body out there checking these things.
I thought it was Aquaman
Has Musiq responded to Justin Beiber?
Boutros Boutros Ghali?
Watching Psych makes your semen taste better?
Its ok, just call him Poor Little Tink Tink
"Please pray for me. Also, check out my KickStarter..."
WAS Juan Pablo's TWEET ghostwritten by JAMES ROBINSON?
To quote Ms Britta Perry: "Somebody got diddled"
Don't forget that Candice Patton and Jesse L Martin are going to playing the Wests on The Flash series. Though they're probably going to drop the whole "she's secretly sent back in time from the 30th Century" part of Iris' backstory that probably only me and Tom Katers remember.
Hey at least she got to be Wonder Woman.
It's not supposed to make the sound; you just leave the parking break on.
Emily Deschanel
Tatiana Maslany as the small wiry chick who doesn't do anything in a fight BUT YOU JUST TOTALLY KNOW SHE'S GOING TO DO SOMETHING AND IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME!
You should mention that this was also directed by super funny lady Natalie Morales, not the Today Show one the one who starred on The Middleman and plays Meg on The Trophy Wife.