
Same. I haven't touched it in about a week

I'm done with Destiny, so this month I'll be playing Shadow of Mordor, Drive Club, Madden 15, WoW and Civ: Beyond Earth and maybe Borderlands 2

Don't forget the "Oh we couldn't be bothered to actually put story in this game but please read the Grimoirs, which we couldn't be bothered to allow you to read in game, over at our website. They have all of the story"

Sure, but I'm not interested in it. It's nothing substantial, probably some strikes which I would do one time and never again and a raid I would never do. Other games are coming out that have my attention and WoW is getting its expansion in November which will dominate my play time.

Exactly. I got to 27 and thought "why am I trying to level this gear? For what end?" and when I couldn't think of a good answer I quit.

I stopped playing it already. You get to a point, quickly I might add, where there really isn't anything left for you to do.

I'm not going to do the raid - I don't have 5 friends who have the game and I'm not going to use an outside source. At this point in the game I can do bounties, strikes (lol no) and pvp, which is fun but not enough to hold my attention forever.

Nope and I don't plan to. I don't have 5 other friends who have the game and I'm not going to use an outside source when it should have been in game from the start.

I'm also a MMO vet and yeah, the grind in destiny is pretty bad but I think that is mainly due to just having lack of content. After you reach 20 you run strikes for marks and a chance at loot, do pvp for marks and a chance at loot and bounties for rep and that is it. In other MMO games there is a lot more variety

The people who are complaining about the grind are typically those who have never played an MMO or hate the genre. The complaint now is that Destiny has a severe lack of content to hold peoples attention.

Anyone else already done with Destiny? My Warlock is level 27 and I've done all I can do.

I can honestly say that since I hit 20 I have only ran maybe 4 strikes. I think another issue is people either don't know or arent used to how MMO style loot is done (which is what Destiny does). You can run a dungeon plenty of times in any MMO and never receive anything other than rep/gold/profession items.

I'm not sure how far back they can go, I assume they can go pretty far. The last time I recovered a character was back during Wrath of the Lich king. But yeah, just put in a support ticket and see what happens.

You've actually been able to retrieve deleted characters for a long, long time, you just had to open a support ticket. But what they are doing here is finally making it an automated process.

Sure, upgrading the gear can be a challenge but we were talking about just getting gear, which isn't hard to do if you stop playing the lottery (loot cave). Also, I believe you get Ascendant Shards from doing the public events

So doing any part of the game is "grinding till your eyes bleed" to you? Because all I did was pvp and bounties. Once I finished the bounties I either stopped playing or did more pvp.

Is it really a grind though? I mean just slapping on the rep item for your class and then doing bounties (and i skipped any Strike ones). I would gladly do that than mindlessly fire into a cave, hoping to win the lottery.

By "guaranteed" I mean leveling up a faction and buying the gear. I had purchased 3 legendaries before the Queens Wrath event started and would have bought a 4th next week.

Yeah, that is my biggest gripe with the patch.

What? It's not hard to get gear. If people would stop relying on random drops and go after what is guaranteed they would already be 27+