
You get a free lvl 90 character when you buy WoD.

It was gorgeous no doubt, but it really didn't do anything to get me excited for the expansion, at least not like the other cinematics had.

That was amazing. Easily my favorite of the WoW cinematics.

What's the spoiler? Howard the Duck? He's in it for 5 seconds in the post credit stinger

AMA just means Ask Me Anything

Except they arent banning channels.

Then you need to find better streamers. There are plenty of good streamers out there who either dont play music, or if they do they arent playing metal or gansta rap

Also, a lot of the streams I watch have "Artist - song name" incorporated somewhere in their overlay.

If you pause it you better make whatever you're doing quick. Most of the time people freak out and keep unpausing if it lasts longer than 1min

My top 12 games on PC (in no particular order)

For me it's my water bottle. Second thing though is the cell phone

Reincarnate will yes, but this combo specifically with Baron Rivendare/Leeroy will be so easy to counter that I doubt it would be used, or if it is, extremely sparingly

Except that would never get used in the meta, especially at the higher levels of the game.

You have to register for selective service when you reach 18

It should be, it's a fucking dumb "law".

Same here. Though I did just use them recently for their Last of Us trade in promotion they were running. But before that I hadn't stepped in a GS in over a year

Same, I live in Utah and they've been doing it for a few years here.

Exactly. The Gamestops around me here in Utah have been doing this for a few years now.

Hell, I'm in Utah and they do the fingerprint thing here

ha. I don't actually watch the show, but I hear about it all the time from a coworker who loves it.