
How about having to work in a shipping container? They're not that wide. One can only hope they've insulated the hell out of them too since steel will either make it hot is hell or cold as hell depending on the season and time of day. Also, LOUD! Shipping containers are good for shipping things.

A lot of people are noting how this could work on college campuses due to the student having to purchase the books themselves. Let's not forget the most likely outcome, one person buys a book, cracks the DRM, distributes the book free to everyone else. Free ebooks for the world.

PC's will be the first to take advantage of 8K, since you can already play 4K if you have enough monitors. I suppose 8K is feasible now too, just more monitors, more video cards, but there's nothing to watch anyway. Maybe some full resolution photos?

Obviously no small amount of work went into it's design, but I'm still surprised on how little of the ship is below water line compared to the height above. It just looks top heavy, and maybe they are. Lose a ballast tank, over she goes?

I know here in Vermont it would have looked pretty white on this map. The state was largely deforested then.

I meant in future endeavors. When you push the limit, occasionally you will reach the limit. See Shane McConkey.

Inevitably there will be a death so please no one be surprised.

Cash is THE liquid asset, gift cards are not so much. Gift cards become an obligation to go to a particular store of the givers choosing. They also make you spend some extra to make sure you "use it up". What value is a $50 gift card that has $3.53 left on it? Not enough to make an extra trip for, so it's lost to

Managers don't like to be told they suck at their job.

Cash is king.

So Fox is going up against Disney? This should be fun.

I guess they never heard of neck injuries.

Way to scope out the nice break. They almost had it.

I'll have to get a gas pump just in case. I've got enough of the rest to put something together. He could probably fight a fire with it too.

Let's have one for all Starbucks, McDonalds, Best Buy, and Target! These advertisement/stories are so great, Giz should cover many many more companies with such fervor.

+1 to Giz for cramming an Apple advertisement into a story. Maybe we can have BEST THANKSGIVING EVER next and show an Ipad on a dinner table with the whole family lovingly seated around it!!! I'm tearing already.

As a merchant I'm the one who has to pay the fees. Mostly regular CC's don't annoy me, but Rewards Cards do. The CC companies push these on everyone, cash back/mileage etc., but I have to pay for the actual rewards. So instead of a 1.5% charge to me, it's more like 2.5% of the transaction.

Because CC's suck and are evil and should be abolished.

What I always thought worked well in other countries, put a hole in the center. Pretty damned hard to confuse that with a quarter. Bigger isn't better, they'll be too hard/heavy to carry. The color is too subtle.

Having worked in fiber I can say the bundle is very tough. It's usually sheathed in a kevlar weave, which can handle a fair bit of abuse. We used to use one for a wakeboarding tow rope, no stretch. However, the glass is glass and it is still brittle. Kink it and it can crack. I doubt the fire melted the glass