
Thank you. This article was written like everyone will even remember what a 4S is in 5 years.

It's a trolling article. I suppose it's all part of the overall "the only thing you need in your life is an eyephone", sponsored by Apple.

I recall the Diamond player being the first .mp3 player, at least here in the US.

I loved the books I read a LOOOONG time ago. We'll see if it lives up to my memory. And come out on PC!

It is easier than building a glacier.

If I lived somewhere this might be required, this doesn't look so bad. 40' of anchor chain should work to keep you in one place (anchored to something really heavy or immovable). More importantly he may sell a bunch and make some money. There are worse ideas/products out there.

One solution would be for the government to make the non-profitable drugs, or pay to have them produced from private companies. We seem to have enough borrowed money to pay for landmines and WMD's, we can afford to throw some pocket change at making these drugs/chemicals.

If I see someone on these in the East I will laugh.

I have two sets of these. They don't come out, saved for posterity.

These ingenious devices may well be used commonly some day as input devices for computers. Apparently they were forged some 30+ years ago, during the Dark Age of electronic knowledge. Likely the finger pointing and smearing of screens with filthy digits is the future.

I found something I like better than smearing my fingers across the screen I'm supposed to look through. It's called a mouse.

Underpant Gnomes need cameras too. Phase Two bitches.

The Eastern Front is a reminder that World War 2 was not a victory if you were from a country that was under Russian control. The allies may have liberated Western Europe, but Eastern was lost.

Might as well throw out some pictures of a leaked iPhone 7. Here's my prediction: it will be more or less what you've got now, just different. Maybe you should hold out for the iPhone 8 though, it will be different from the 7.

I always considered the prequels to be about ships taking off and landing. There was some dialog I think, but mostly it was about ships taking off and landing.

There was some money spent on that, it likely is his home.

It was my favorite, most memorable muppet episode.

Educating everyone will not make more people employable. Not everyone is capable of all professions, nor do we need them to be. Most brilliant people are already gainfully employed, they're smart enough to figure life out. But what about the people who typically worked manual labor jobs? Efficiency's in most

There have been fights between scabs and strikers before. Obviously the scabs felt justified taking the work, the strikers felt justified defending their jobs and their right to fight for a better life. I suppose it all depends on how much either side cares. NAFTA can also be attacked, just not with bats.

I use synthetic corks for my products. Mostly it's because the synthetics will not break in the bottle if the cork sticks (these are T corks). Caps can be nice, but you need to buy a ROPP capper, and they're expensive. Corking (natural or synthetic) is much more cost effective for small or new alc. beverage