
If you were the person going to lose their job from the machine, you may well consider it in your right and best interest to destroy the machine. Likely the craftsman put out of work by the improved machinery did not see the improvement in their lives by it. Sometimes you just need to smash shit.

Most people sit too far away to discern 1080p from 720. I myself couldn't imagine sitting that close to a TV or one so damned big to make it all out.

Same thoughts. I got vertigo the first time I got on, kind of a Whoa moment.

I think Go Payment changed since the last time I looked. .30 a transaction is damned high. I do about $10,000 a month on CC's so it all adds up. I will explore more, thank you. Also, can you use a receipt printer with square? I can't find a whole lot on their website.

Of course they had to learn to do this. You don't make omelettes.... etc.

I can't tell if he's serious or not. I also cannot watch 4 more minutes of this. If he's serious, he should lighten up and just say "check it out, it's friggin' ethanol in a glass skull, METAL!" FYI Bruni glass makes a lot of tchotchke bottles, so bravo. METAL!

Square's rates are terribly high. I guess if you don't care how much you give your merchant provider, then have at it. Intuit's Go Payment so far looks much better to me, and I may go that route. Works on either Android or eyephone/pad.

I've had a long ban on Nike anything. Fuck Nike, they don't give a shit about the workers.

It just looked like a jackass move to me. Wide angle lenses always make things look harrier than they really are. I don't know how you'd fake that, and it's damn plausible.

He is terrible. He shouldn't be on camera, it's painful.

When I was a kid, lasers were amazing and terribly expensive. Schools didn't have them. This is the culmination of 30 years of laser progress. So what amazing, out of reach tech will we be messing with our pets and neighbors with in 30 years?

I may be an anomaly, I've never had cable. I've had a TV and VCR/DVD and now BD, so I've seen movies mostly when and what I've wanted to watch. With the new BD, streaming Netflix. So it works just fine for us, but I've never been addicted to cable anyway. Nothing lost.

And I like cold feet when I wear boots.

Harmon Kardon receiver refurb from Ebay, from their store. No problems so far at 3 months in.

Do you want to see my "cold as all fu&k room?"

@unruly: The value I see on the video sim. is to see the scenario visually. You could talk about where you would be standing if such and such happens, but at least in the video sim. you'll have to make your virtual presence do that. I think there will still be scenario discussion, there will be the video sim., and

@J_kebox: It only takes once to do it wrong.

And you will not see this in the US, since it's not an approved size. See the TTB regulations concerning approved sizes.

@LombardoJoe: You need access to a fireplace/woodstove. No mess, no fuss.

@Mentuss: I bought a 8 meter HDMI cable. Not terribly expensive ~25$, and the signal is fine. My BD player is not next to the TV, so it needed a long routed run.