
Taking responsibility for your own actions? Nah fuck that, sue ‘em!

The patient turning blue is a good indicator

#10 fruitvale station

what would make this even better would be if those usb a ports provided data to the usb c device

what would make this even better would be if those usb a ports provided data to the usb c device

A little, you have to configure it. Or you can just buy an intel 8260ngw nic off amazon for 26 bucks, swap nics, and have everything work out of the box.

A little, you have to configure it. Or you can just buy an intel 8260ngw nic off amazon for 26 bucks, swap nics, and

Naw, I bought the windows version because it’s cheaper. Very easy to install. The windows versions have Broadcom wireless cards install tho.

Naw, I bought the windows version because it’s cheaper. Very easy to install. The windows versions have Broadcom

maybe she dressed for rio?

Define irony: people who routinely invade the privacy of others accusing someone else of invading privacy but could only prove such an accusation had they invaded the privacy of others.

Rocket surgery?

And yet he’s probably still like “Once you’re done mixing paint in my butthole, I’ve got word of another settlement that needs your help.”

troll edition “edit, select all, font comic sans”

It’s referred to as a thin-client. And I frequently wonder why more businesses do not use them. It would save a shitload of headaches. Windows specifically makes embedded versions of their operating systems that are hard-coded into the memory. When I was an IT intern for the state (technically), I got to design build

A quick way to have a hack proof machine is to boot from a DVD while eliminating any writable storage (no hard drive/s, no USB drives, except you need a lot of RAM). Image the OS onto a DVD, have enough RAM to do stuff, and you have a pretty secure browser/etc. This conversation came up when discussing a less-hackable

so I have to give you money for you to accept my money

Back in the early 1990s, we had SGI workstations for each engineer. When I had a project to do on the west coast, I telneted back into our machines back on the east coast and played audio files on the SGIs. Scared the crap out of my coworkers.

I was vnc’d into the server when our work placement kid took a break and used a nearby computer to go online and watch wrestling so I made the computer talk to him about the crap he was watching. while sat at the other side of the room and laughed like hell when he ran out the room freaked out.

Why was it ever a problem to get a warrant for real investigations that weren’t just after blackmail or inside business trading information?

I’ve got 9,999 lego blocks but a millennium falcon ain’t one