Some stoner dude and his Great Dane do it for free at midnight
Some stoner dude and his Great Dane do it for free at midnight
soldersucker ftw
the rule of a roundabout is give way to traffic on the roundabout and that coming from your right, possibly left depending which way american roundabouts go but in the uk its right.
best prank I ever witnessed was writing a truly bizarre email to another team member who then replied in an equally bizarre manner and that went on a few times until it ended in "as long as you wear my grandmother's wedding dress" then locked it up and waited for the reaction. It was amazing.
I'm guessing its just a case and doesn't play in a deck or anything
That would be amazing setup in your car
with respect, I'd rather save the wear on my tyres for when its need most. Even with power steering you are still putting strain on the pump that powers it so again less maintenance to pay out for
I've found the source of the problem!, pressing and holding up on the directional pad sends it straight to flashlight. Thoughtful I guess but equally dumb
it also can't hurt to keep them just incase the new ram develops a fault or the machine develops an unknown fault. little bit of DIY diagnostics never hurt
I'm sure the ejector seat button is there somewhere
it's certainly one of my fav apps, thankfully I got it cheap in a bundle otherwise quite expensive for what it does.
It always takes a little more pressure than you thought it would, and there's always that one moment when you think, "Oh shit, oh shit, I'm about to squish my CPU." But then you lock the arm in place, and everything's all good, and your motherboard has a brain.
or have a small exfat partition and do it for free?
but if you taste the rainbow your doing it wrong!
Die with honor! hard G all the way
Only if you use it for less than 6 months
trouble is my Dropbox password is in 1password
I'm quite fond of making my own and customising whats there or at least unifying them somewhat, like cmd [ ] to move tabs in browsers, terminal screens, anything with tabs really rather than some using that and others using cmd shift [ ]
your lack of russian dash cam disturbs me