
If the prospect of friendship or a relationship was on the table, and a girl showed me an annotated list of her sexual history, I would respect how open she was and how scrupulous it is to use that sort of item as a "test" of whether or not I'm judgmental.

You get married. You gotta take the d. You take the d when you want, and you take the d sometimes when you're not feeling it. Because you love the guy the d's attached to, and since your body is your own (duh), you're comfortable enough sharing it with the person you love, and you don't resort to shrill, knee-jerk

Jim Cooke should deal exclusively in 11th-hour copyright-friendly drawings. A+.

I'm depressed at how many people defend this video just because it's a "difficult" situation, as if million of couples don't go through difficult situations and somehow manage not to eke out cutesy videos. This seems pretty self-indulgent to me, and of no interest to anyone who doesn't directly know them.

I guess...sigh. I don't want to be contrary because I think this is an interesting idea.

No. Because that's most people.

Ugh. It sounds like one person in the office had a problem with the way you presented yourself and decided to be a big d—- about it. I feel so bad when this happens (it has also happened to me, many years ago). More often than not it is not someone of any influence, just a co-worker or slight superior who has some

Can we stop pretending Kate Moss is beautiful? No offense to her but it's not a look I think many should aspire to.

Ha. Good points all.

I guess a truth that a lot of us are ignoring is that women do like pink shit. BFD. I know if something came in pink I would probably buy it and I don't give a damn.

Yeah this is definitely not new. I've seen mention of it here and there for several years now. So...