+1 Cyborg
“My Man” should be added to the list of “Buddy”, “Guy” and “Pal”.....
Dodgers PA says “Please stand and remove your hats for the singing of God Bless America.” I don’t. They need to stop with that.
When he finally confronted his former self he said he should tell the ball “follow a straight line and don’t look back.”
New role for Jonah Hill?
These comments are bringing up sad tech memories. Thanks guys. :-(
Palm actually designed and created this. WebOS was great until Balmer killed it.
*needs more Sax
I remember “Baseball Stars” on the NES you’d be able to do that. Show bunt and swing away at the right time. So much fun. That was the first game I think that allowed you to manage a team and buy/sell/trade players.
Every Raider fan I know drinks Coors Light. Ironically, it’s from where the Broncos play. Go figure.
Best product placement for Papa Johns pizza ever.
The good ol ‘Murikan Swing.... I keep waiting to see them drop it on their heads. Or shatter their wrists when I see people do those.
I think they are playing at The Troub next Wednesday.
Served Active Duty as a Marine and was able to take a few Weapons of Opportunity classes. You’d be surprised what you’d be able to “subdue” a person with. Newspaper/Magazine was one of them.
“which means they get 23 points per game from threes.”
If you can read this, it’s already too late.