

Magical crystal you say? Ragnar Lothbrok agrees.

How I feel about RIM/BB every time I read a story like this.

They've apparently been best friends ever since the show and it's put a strain on most of their relationships. They're basically one of those couples that you just go 'finally' when they stop tip-toeing around it and get together. It was going to happen eventually.

Now playing

forgive the Wachowskis for the last 2 Matrix movies

:( I miss it.

No creampies? I call shenanigans.

I agree big time

Too soon? Too soon?

The ending of Lost was still worse.

Except most of the cast is now Chinese.

And that is why the US jumps from conflict to conflict without ever winning or finishing. When the income wanes so does the interest.

It also thins out the herd. A herd that is mostly poor and likely to revolt against the status quo.

Who is this «Morlun you speak off? Is he related to Morbius? Because this 1990 Spider-Man fan only knows of Morbius, the Vampire who sucked out your youth with his palm!!!

Because war makes money for a select few. A SHIT TON of money.

Right? Why is there no option to block or report as spam???

You messed with the wrong penguins, MOTHERFUCKER.


I would agree. They might not have put the rope there to trip the penguins but when the person realized what was happening how hard would it have been to untie it on his/her end and give the rope slack so it would not trip them? I'm guessing not very hard. I'm also not a PETA freak like the other commentator accused