
I've been happy. Most glasses have a month money back guarantee (from Best Buy or the official Gunnar website), so there is no harm in trying them. You might find that working in natural lighting my help as well.

As I said above, it was the best decision I have ever made. As a person who spends well over 60+ hrs a week staring at either a computer screen or a book / kindle, I would still recommend it. It also makes such a difference for sports and just day to day living. The technology has advanced so far in the past few

After I had lasers shot into my eyes (best decision I ever made), I found that my eyes would strain during computer use when I was tired - which would probably happen anyway. I also, unfortunately, work in a cubical with very little natural light.

I dislike the lack of natural light.

My speed reading is very similar to your own. Rather than reading individual words, I "glance" at a sentence, or sometimes a paragraph, and pull meaning from key words - this causes the "movie in my head" effect that you so aptly described.

We have a winner.

All of my devices are named after celestial bodies. Computers being named after the planets, and smaller mobile devices such as my phone and kindle after satellites (ie moons). USB and external storage are named after probes and man made space vehicles.

Ha! The more you know!

Right, for me, my browser usually hangs out on my left monitor, instead of my right. You are correct in pointing out that this feature just mimics the close button functionality. I guess I failed to remember that for duel monitor users who leave their browser on the right.

Here is a trick for fullscreen Chrome (at least in Windows 7). If you put your mouse at the very top left corner, in the empty space between the 1st tab and the edge of the screen, and double click, it will close the browser.

Her sister was cuter.

I did not try to claim successful (and indeed agree with you after looking at the wiki page to find it's name). I am trying to point out that VTOL aircraft are not exactly out of reach if the need or desire was there for it.

The V-22 Osprey is a perfect example of a VTOL that could be used for transportation of people and cargo. While currently a military design, I'm pretty sure with enough money and smart people, we could see the adaption of the technology by the commercial sector.

Always happens.

Using Chrome, when I click on an article it jumps straight to the comment section. Why? I don't care about the comments until after I to read the article. Now every tab I open I have to scroll up again. Yes, "effort" - but still annoying.

The author of the comic is female, and that is her favourite class - I believe.

I think the worst one of those make up your own, I tried to retrieve my password and was greeted with the question "Good luck." I couldn't not laugh at myself.

Choose a question like "What was your pet's first name?" and lie - but lie in a consistent way (example, answer with your favourite food).

I considered this as well, and came to some conclusions: Fire itself causes a lot of damage, especially to people. Water, foam or other fire suppressants will damage electrical gear more sound vibrations will, but research would be needed into the electric portion. However, non-electric devices would actually benefit