
In name only. In practice you have an oligarchy.

“... the only difference between him and a Republican is that he says he’s not one.”

Thank you for this article. This explains to me how these super Walmarts got approval to get built and what’s going on with the schools. It really disgusts me that he projects this wholesome upbeat image and is just so slimy and sleazy.

It’s crazy how you become nostalgic for a time when municipal corruption seemed to serve middle class union interests.

Great piece, one criticism. Kevin Johnson does not have sex scandals. He has rape scandals. He had sex with minors who attended his schools. That is rape. Period.

This is the #alllivesmatter of posts.

Another backdoor option I just thought up off the top of my head is to wait until Junior graduates, then settle his student loans (to the extent that it’s doable) with the money you’ve been stuffing in the mattress.

How to start your day like Mocena:

A lot of us have hated him since forgoddamnever. He has nary been a well-loved man. You know it’s bad when even the Black elders around the city are over him. You have to, as a Black man, REALLY fuck the fuck up REPEATEDLY to get Black people who were alive before the Korean war to not be on your side. I maintain that

Fellow denizen, you have perfectly expressed the general sentiment. Right. There. With. You. I recently moved out of Mansion Flats ahead of getting priced out - I wanted to move on my own terms while there were still parts of the central city that hadn’t yet been inflated in price and I am bitter about it. Fuck that

Making the charge of racism where it doesn’t belong undermines the problem of actual racism which is very common and often poorly understood.

You almost have to admire the success KJ & Rhee have had amassing wealth through fraud perpetrated on (mostly) the poor and powerless.

And call Jerry Brown if you are in California and urge him to sign this bill into law!

First, this depends on whose standard of whiteness you’re using. In the U.S., mixed race, light-skinned Dominicans with more European than African ancestry may not be perceived as white. But in Latin America, this is close enough to gain the advantages of whiteness.

This gave me so much joy. All the politely upset people clutching their pearls and getting their panties in a bunch. LORD SAVE US. NPR WAS THE ONE KARDASHIAN FREE HOLDOUT AND NOW THE APOCALYPSE IS COMING.

The Warriors are so good, they've already announced they'll be solving California's drought crisis by bringing the city of Cleveland's tears back with them.

Thank you for all your excellent work on this story. Please continue your admirable and relentless pursuit of this asshole. Seriously, he needs to be taken down.

It’s only that way if you’re condescending enough to think that doing someone else’s nails is lowly, demeaning work that doesn’t deserve respect.

Sounds more like the article should be titles “NYPD Took Nearly A Week To Request Name of Sexually Harassing Driver”. It doesn’t bother me that Uber requires either a subpoena or for the NYPD to fill out the emergency request form. It bothers me that the NYPD took so long to request it.

Shots Fired! LeSean McCoy Says Every Black Player on Eagles Team Sucks