Trump: That damages award was way too high, I demand you reduce it from $5 million to under $1 million!
Trump: That damages award was way too high, I demand you reduce it from $5 million to under $1 million!
A literal moron was President of this country...
Kay comes off as a Han Solo type, but female. Always stealing, gambling and getting into tight situations. Which I don’t mind. It’s a cool idea.
“Every ill that we are fighting right now in society has been brought forth by women.”
They have every right in the same way that their users, who are the sole content providers and moderators of the site, have every right to walk away over poor management.
There are a massive studio with the manpower to handle. They just need to make their worlds not bland.
One of the things that almost every news outlet seems to miss is that people are not protesting that the reddit API will cost money, they’re protesting that the cost for the API is so absurdly out of touch that it’s designed to kill off any third party apps.
As you have demonstrated, there are plenty of ways for your peer group to express their thoughts.
Well, know we know your take... likely from the same perspective.
Yeah, and it echoes something I’ve been saying for years - the boom/bust cycle of platforms is getting really frustrating for users to have to switch every time some vulture capitalist decides that it’s time to wring every last penny out of the platform.
this is reddit, not 4chan
the shooter better like staying in her home forever. anyone in the neighbourhood can say “she’s a known killer and was walking towards me, I feared for my life so I had to shoot her before she shot me”.
It’s a small town Florida Sheriff so i’m hesitant to give him the benefit of the doubt. This time the police actually may be trying to do the right thing but they are being stopped by a terribly written law. When you develop “stand your ground” laws as a means to uphold white supremacy you make this type of stuff…
It seems absolutely absurd that anyone can just say “Stand Your Ground” and it becomes a get out of arrest free card. That’s not how anything works, or at least not how it should work.
A hearty fuck you to CNN for hosting a town hall for her right after doing one for Trump.
A good reminder that you could save a company hundreds of millions of dollars, but in the end, they’ll still tell you to fuck off when they feel like it. Your hard work will never be rewarded or treasured. You are nothing more than a negative balance on their profit sheet that they’re constantly looking to get rid…
Dang, that’s not just Link going “I’m doing what is necessary to complete my goal,” that’s “I am nailing this and you should all take a minute to recognise.”
Faux is literally several decades behind the curve with their hateful outrage. Female Link is a phenomenon so old I don’t even know when it started (I mean, just take a look at a cosplay convention sometime), and trans Link is ancient too.