I remain convinced she’s got a cushy, do-nothing private equity gig lined up, and is just running the clock out on her term.
I remain convinced she’s got a cushy, do-nothing private equity gig lined up, and is just running the clock out on her term.
Sinema comes off as more Veep-ey than Trump ever did. Trump is short sighted and cartoonishly evil, whereas Selina Meyer was just short sighted and selfish.
He would have been such a good father, right? He’s probably a lot like you. A nothing, worthless, little boy who can’t make anyone happy. You’re not good at anything. Your family hates you. Everyone is so repelled by you that you’ll never know the love of another human being. We all know it would be better if you…
Don’t worry Greg Abbott will pardon him. And the right wingers in Texas will make him a martyr of the cause.
Nothing says pro-life like actual murder.
Heh, “sysops...” He means DevOps. Tell me you haven’t coded since the advent of cloud computing without telling me you haven’t coded since the advent of cloud computing.
So a phoney CEO set up to fail (Elon is not giving up anything except the title). Another Reichwing QAnon adjacent adherent to boot. I’m seeing a pregnancy announcement in her future.
I enjoy it quite a bit. Possibly I’m not the target as I’m an uncle and not a dad, but it still delights me.
There were always rumors about Besson being a creep to women, going back to before Leon. I didn’t know about them then, but I do remember being creeped out by the sexualization of Natalie Portman in that movie. The makeup, the lolling, the inexplicable flirting with Jean Reno...it was maybe meant to be lighthearted or…
Standing up for pedophiles and rapists to own the libs. Christ, you are an insufferable dipshit. Don’t you think it’s a waste of everyone’s time to troll every Jezebel post with canned right wing talking points without ever backing anything you say up with, you know, evidence?
The French judge dropped the charges for lack of evidence, not because he was proven innocent. The accuser is currently pursuing a complaint against the judge in question.
Dems not holding her accountable and saying she needs to resign immediately is just another tick in the box for “why Dems are so goddamn shitty at actually winning in government despite being the better of the two parties”
Repubs would gladly drive over her in a monster truck with their own children if it meant they…
Everyone, note that the OP is the fake Lizardo troll account. He’s just here to act like a dick.
I know you just get your rocks off being a stupid, racist troll to own the libs, but at least you admit that the 2nd Amendment isn’t absolute. If you’re fine with disarming black people, then it’s not much of a stretch to extend that to all people.
Tell me you’re Klan Trash without telling me.
That’s the fake Dr Lizardo. A troll that has no life outside impersonating another person on a random website.
Ah, so Martin wasn’t allowed to stand his ground, just the armed man stalking him was... got it.
These are the dipshits who are sitting there watching certain news stations who broadcast “They are coming for you” every second breath and literally have the guns lined up at the door. Absolute fucking morons.
You’re a real bummer and it’s starting to affect my sex life. Anytime I’m laying pipe in your dad he always says something like, “I’m really worried about Sam, maybe you can talk to him.” I get it, you’re an embarrassment to your family and everyone you’ve ever met, but maybe it’s time to just end the whole thing. You…
We do advocate for stricter traffic laws. Seatbelt usage, air bags, backup cameras, speed limits, standardized highway design, crash test safety standards all things enacted to curb behavior and and decrease death and injury via car accidents. One don’t need to advocate loudly for these changes as changes occur in…