
I feel like there is a genuinely weird possibility here that Kavanaugh might oppose SB8 purely on Second Amendment reasons.

“Hello; my name is Richie Thundertaint, and I want to serve on your school board in order to threaten your fucking children. Vote for me, you slackjawed cretins.”

There are purpose built props called non guns that sometimes have flash paper mechanisms in them to simulate firing. The problem with them is that they don’t action like real pistols, and the flash tends to look ‘off.’ That being said, they are ideal for television work, and ‘shooting’ someone at close range without

It's like...of course they waged war against the Europeans. That's what happens when someone murders your family and claims your land.

You keep saying 115 million Americans, but you are getting your number from the total population. Not the voting population, which is only 146.3 million, give or take.

Half the time I read one of these articles, about a AAA company screwing over the little guy, it's almost completely down to the company lawyers. 

Fuck 'em.

Lee was a terrible strategist. Most of the Confederate generals were; they were too focused on swift battlefield maneuvers and winning some mythical singular, decisive victory that would end the war. It was one of the strengths the Union command staff had over the Confederacy, being that they were able to see the big

Just a daily reminder that no matter how clean the presentation or tweed the suit, a fascist will still behave like a fucking fascist.

I remember looking at a post from a former work acquaintance, who started his whole post with “I’m not a native Texan, but....” He went on to rant about some arch-conservative position, then tout one of the 27 new contenders for the Governorship more loonie than Abbot (who is, no surprise, a native of New Jersey just

Posted the quote before I realized it was here. The enthusiasm took hold of me.

Do not, my friends, become addicted to food. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.

Wow; you went from 0 to Asshole on very little fuel.

We’re already pissed about those things. Many of us are vocal about how pissed we are with those things, and even are taking actions against those things. It is possible to do that, and still be critical of the authoritarian CCP regime.

What do you mean 'just now?' Did you forget about Rainbow Six: Patriots?

Juse trying to wrap my head around the Queen of Ska becoming the Mistress of the Midwest.

Was a movie humanizing Cruella de Ville necessary? Is this a thing we need in this life?

I've known one dalmatian in my life, and she was a finicky, unhealthy coward who was terrified of her own shadow, while simultaneously being the sweetest and attention needy child ever.

The response from Ubisoft was to questions that had nothing to do with politics. They were offering a defense for questions and allegations that weren't even raised.

This seems more like a 'cast a big net' strategy, which fits with Russia's history of psychological operations. They don't need to get the most influential people, they just need to get a lot of people marching in the same direction. If ten people turn down $2,000, one person with an audience will take it.