
There are enough white men in Mumford and Sons that it was statistically required at least one of them hold fascist sympathies.

The GOP, jumping to the defense of Neanderthal rights while trying to ensure black and Latino people don't have theirs.

I’m not happy with it, either, but I can see the strategic reason behind the decision: as long as the trial goes on, nothing else happens in the Senate. It’s already quite evident that the Republicans will never convict under any circumstances, and an endless parade of witnesses won’t change that. It will slow down

Just finished Spielberg’s Lincoln, and this seemed an appropriately timed article. The Republicans were the party of Lincoln, and of Thaddeus Stevens, a man who vocally and aggressively fought for complete, total, and utter equality for all peoples, without regard to race. These maniacs, these vicious little beasts

It’s not just ‘classic’ novels: I’ve noticed an explosion of ads from Audible for militia porn, second American Civil War fantasies, and a lot of vet bro popcorn literature that just appeared in the last year or so. I’ve yet to figure out what algorithm I stumbled into to be assaulted with that (I am in law

ObtuseAngle found it. Check their reply.

Impeachment itself doesn't ban him from running; the impeachment needs to be upheld by 2/3s of Congress, and then it needs to be added as a resolution after the fact (which just needs a majority vote).

On the other hand, let's not go to Trump country. Tis a silly place.

Lindsey Ellis did a GREAT video essay on that. When you take away the horror of Nazis marching in a swastika, it just looks ridiculous.

No, lean into that: they deserve to be mocked. If there's one thing that will grind the gears of fascism, it's having the myth dispelled in mockery. 

Fine Aryan specimen, that. Ever notice how the most virulent crusaders of the white race are its worst examples?

I said it! I done said it! There may be conspiracy charges down the pipe.

That was Podium Man, a rare variant of Florida Man.

If there is one consolidation from the photos on that day, most of them show Trump supporters looking ridiculous. And if there is one thing that helps kill a fascist movement, it is being exposed as ridiculous. I say emphasize how stupid these people looked while acknowledging and preparing for the threat they

I think it's getting to a point where he realizes it can't be.

Mitch isn’t going anywhere until he wants to; he’s not popular in his home state, but he is solidly established there. Everything that he has done, in his insistent dismantling of thebl government, was to ensure that the Republican Party was in a position of permanent power, regardless of the demographic shifts. It’s

I might have found the reason!!!

So, for tonight’s baseless speculation, interesting theory on why Mitch McConnell did a virtual 180 on impeachment.

You have no idea how much I needed this follow up. Thank you!

You know, you’d think a leader would use his last few days to reflect on the fruits of his legacy. Speaking at a university to the upcoming generation of voters, viewing some sort of infrastructure, or park, or something grand people can look at and be proud of, for generations.