I guess he wanted an angry mob of bankers and lawyers? Suits and coiffed hair charging the steps in immaculate, polished shoes.
I guess he wanted an angry mob of bankers and lawyers? Suits and coiffed hair charging the steps in immaculate, polished shoes.
That’s a fear of mine, as well, but I am hoping that the combination of the Congress having it’s own safety threatened, combined with Trump’s pathologically inability to SHUT THE FUCK UP and keep stirring shit will keep this thing a consistent open sore that won’t heal until it gets stitched up with an impeachment.
Things like this are the ultimate proof that there was no Antifa/BLM involvement. Within days of George Floyd’s death, protests were organized in dozens of cities with thousands of participants, often planned by kids still in high school. They lasted months despite an almost unified police presence in trying to stop…
What cracks me up is how many people are out there saying this is a triumph of communism, and we’re all losing our First Amendment rights, and Marxist, Marxist, Marxist, and it’s, like...
To be fair, they would: the point isn’t the length of the scheme, the point is to simply create chaos in a rival nation. Part of Alexandre Dugin’s thesis for how Russia can regain dominance (and this guy’s writings are passed around Russian military and policy elites like the Bible) is simply to throw money at every…
That was a frigging rollercoaster.
Because there’s no moderators (or at least...virtually no moderation) on his site, the CEO himself has been reduced to deleting messages calling for the execution of Mike Pence.
It’s one of the reasons why Trump has always pulled in this huge draw: he’s a poor person who thinks he’s rich. You look at any red state rube with weak or shallow morals that falls as backward into money, or grew up dirt poor, as soon as they have a paycheck with a lot of zeros on the back end, they go hard for…
“I like my riots in Versace.”
This ties into something I brought up a couple of days ago, which was around the cops leaving the barricades (and moving them). I still stand by my assertion that that group there was pulling back for safety reasons (while I’m aware that there were definitely cops on the Hill that were acting very sympathetic with the…
Friend, I like the way you think.
Fucking throw it in their faces. I will. Anytime someone brings up Benghazi ever again, I’m dragging this out. I will whatabout the fuck out of this.
I’m picturing them all in tight short lederhosen, singing ‘Tomorrow Belongs To Me’ around fat, leaky wads of dip.
It was always there. I think all Trump did was make it mainstream. But it's not the only part.
They did, and that's part of my concerns. There may be a threshold many Conservatives are unwilling to cross to stay elected, but the radical part of the Party will keep pushing that line further and further. If they are unable to maintain power in the Republicans, they could jump house to the Democrats. So, instead…
Hey, they don't just look like lovers. They are lovers, by 8 million votes!
EDIT: Five people: a Capitol Police officer died from injuries sustained yesterday. So, for everybody in the back, Trump killed a cop.
Hardly a waste of energy: I’m drinking coffee while watching the news and occasionally typing while waiting for a conference call. How much energy are you burning on this? If anything, I’m more surprised by how personally your taking this. You seem outright offended someone should dare disagree with you on this.
“We can’t close Gitmo: that’s one of our biggest voting blocs!”