
That’s ultimately what a firearm becomes nine times out of ten. Two examples are my deployment pistol and a Springfield trapdoor rifle from my grandfather. Both function, they are working firearms, but the deployment pistol has my task force and dates of service monogrammed on them, and the Springfield is over a

I really appreciate that. I’m starting to think more about contacting Jezebel or the Gawker network to see if they would like things like this: someone once suggested I do an ‘Ask a Cop’ thing with Jezebel,and I was hesitant about that. But I’m wondering if maybe it’s something I should do.

You’re a good egg, my friend.

This is a stark and utter betrayal of the Great and Benevolent Henson!

To be fair, I know women gun owners who have also sold into this myth. It's a power fantasy either way you cut it.

I can understand why it doesn't. I figure it's tone is hard to read. It was somewhat stream of consciousness. 

To maintain proficiency: I use my issued sidearm (law enforcement) at the range weekly if not daily. I have an issued rifle, but it does not leave the armory after shift (it is not a ‘take home’ weapon). That one, I will only fire 4 times a year during qualifications ( unless something goes very very wrong). Likewise,

Quick fun point before I go into my rant: 69% of Americans do not own a firearm, despite there easily being 50-60 million MORE firearms in the country than there are actual people living in it.


Well, that's just lazy demonology.

Basically. And what's more, an undue hardship on hardworking Americans serving their countries overseas.

In other news The White House has just announced an end to the policy that recognized the children of US soldiers and government employees born overseas as native born US Citizens. There is a process by which they can apply for naturalization, but forgive me if I call that a steaming bag of bullshit.

Because ultimately, at the end of the day, every choice we make is precoded to a degree by how we are conditioned to react to stimulae. We exercise only so much free will over our responses based upon that conditioning. Just as I am compelled to reply to your comment, you were compelled to reply to mine. This sequence

I hate to to say it but that tends to be one of the friction points that cause massive wars.

I hope you do another post with that link, just to highlight a shitheel to avoid. I'm glad you made the corrections quick though.

I’m pretty sure that’s violating some sort of electoral law.

What Susan Collins said is the traditional Republican way of looking at representative democracy. Basically, they are elected not to represent their constituents but to act on their best understanding of the decisions. What you describe is the traditional Democratic way of looking at how the system works. Clearly they

I would point out that, based on the emotiveness of that response, you had less control over your reaction than you think you did.

Because of Communism, comrade!