
Too bad he didn’t leave before causing all the damage he did, but any exit is a good exit.

If you are tailoring punishments to crimes based on an individuals neighborhood, income, or race, specifically with the intent to increase the punishment, I call that draconian. If the goal is to assimilate a population, deliberately targeting them for increased punishments relative to the rest of the population is

What does any of that have to do with the draconian laws now? Generally speaking, responding to things more ruthlessly doesn’t exactly fix the problems, either. If anything, it exacerbates them and makes them worse.

These measures have gone beyond ham-handed into closed fist. If they were simply about forcing assimilation, they wouldn’t have included the breadth of punishments and enforcement for actions beyond issues of assimilation. Ultimately, the politicians who crafted this policy aren’t doing this to assimilate these

Because ultimately, it’s not about assimilation: it’s about punishing these immigrants for simply being who they are.

He has declared the free press the enemy of the American people. He has gone out of his way, in every interview, every engagement, every rally, to point out the press and accuse them of lying, of being a threat, and of damaging the United States. Don’t try and equivocate it away because he didn’t use the words ‘kill

Wow. You posted that comment three times in a row. And seeing as someone has deigned to lift you out of the grays, sure, I’ll give you a response.

That fucking rodent. I saw when he said that, and dismissed it as more bile. I did not even think to make the connection until you brought it up again.

The President has demanded something like this. He’s insisted on it, in his rhetoric against journalists. Seeing a statement from the White House for ‘thoughts and prayers’ on an incident that has killed journalists is galling.

They were probably in newly created or empty ‘districts’ that contained the property Cobb owns. In that case, they were either casting a single winning vote for themselves, or using the combined votes of the few out-of-towner schills that could claim residency for a vote in those areas.

In both my lines of work (federal), a select few of my co-workers are quite gleeful at the way we’ve handled our diplomacy. In terms of the recent immigration crisis, they’re also furious that the Central American countries won’t do anything to stop the people coming through (and are sluicing them to the United

If it’s any consolation, Phoenix and Tuscon both have Democrat mayors. Despite being a Republican stronghold, Arizona is having to contend with the same problem all other red states are: if you throw too much meat to the country, you’re going to find you have very few people to back you when everyone is in the city.

As a Texan, this aggravates me: the state still holds to a reactionary and aggressive Republican ideal, when the population is steadily (and probably already is) no longer sharing the same party as the majority of the government. This is the sort of thing that’s going to continue to discourage voting, and it’s already

That’s just not possible: there are areas of nexus on the Canadian border that just don’t allow for that, up to and including buildings. There are homes on the border that exist in both countries simultaneously, as well as places of business.

Well...it depends. 8 USC 1325 is designed in a manner that should give Agents a lot of leeway in how to enforce it (in the same way a cop who pulls you over for speeding may decide to give you a warning instead of a ticket). In other words, in normal circumstances, an accidental crossing (which...happens a lot

I think it’s also trying to justify, or step away from the idea that suicide can be so...random isn’t the right word, but unpredictable? Like, we all saw Anthony Bourdain as a guy who clearly enjoyed living life. He knew how to live well, and he still took his life. It’s hard to process that, and it’s a bit scary to

I find it very telling the difference in how two police officers handled the same situation: there was the first one (the one the boys handed the flashlight to), who was polite, who was firm but not threatening, and was taking the time to explain to a group of children what was going on, while controlling the

He’s dragging all the great things and awesome people to his Stardust Party Pad on Mars. Someday, we should all be so lucky to be on that scene.

And up. Possibly even to the left and right. I’ve even heard tell of bosses in the spaces between spaces, and the spaces between the spaces between spaces.

It’s bossception, really: there’s bosses of bosses, within bosses, under the bosses, in adjacent connection to side-bosses and a boss of bosses....